Install YOG4PAS47N Cyanogen OS 12.1 Incremental OTA Update On Yu Yuphoria

yu yuphoria androidsage

YU along with the Cyanogen community has released a new incremental OTA update for their Yuphoria device. Although the update is still Android 5.1.1 Lollipop based, it is a big update as it’s been over 6 months the device has not seen any security patches over the air. As the update is running slow, you can manually install the OTA update with this tutorial. This is a new big update to the COS ROM of Yuphoria that weighs over 500 MBs and it will take your device to build number YOG4PAS47N. However, you will need stock recovery in order to install the incremental OTA update on your Yuphoria device. But that won’t be a problem because the stock recovery has been listed below. Moreover, you need to be on the YNG1TBS2P2 software build number in order to flash the OTA successfully. So make sure you update your device to the latest OTA available from the Software Updates option in About Phone under Settings.

Download Cyanogen OS YOG4PAS47N OTA For YU Yuporia

Here is the Cyanogen OS 12.1 incremental OTA update for the Yu Yuphoria:

Cyanogen OS 12.1 OTA Update YOG4PAS47N[/su_column] Download


Stock Recovery Image Download

File: cm-12.0-YNG1TBS2P2-lettuce-recovery.img

Download Cyanogen OS YOG4PAS47N Full Factory Image Files.

Cyanogen OS 12.1 (5.1.1) 5b3d0b1f07dad2acd667556b264754ab
Cyanogen OS 12.1 (5.1.1) 9cb69a6eb46501eaa9006aeba171b1fb
Cyanogen OS 12.1 (5.1.1) cm-12.1-YOG4PAS47N-lettuce-boot-debuggable-c915697c50.img 3d60cc2f35e4d7d0a4824f8b1a6e4763

Note: To flash the fastboot files, check out this tutorial. The second file is a full ROM that can be flashed using TWRP. For TWRP, flash checkout this tutorial.

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1. Verify your device for compatibility. This update is compatible with Yu Yuphoria device running on stock Cyanogen OS 12.1 ROM with build number YNG1TBS2P2.

2. Make sure you have stock recovery installed on your device. If you don’t, download and install it from the download section.

3. Make sure you have the latest device drivers setup on your PC in order to transfer the files to your device’s internal storage. Get it from the official page of your device manufacturer.

How to Install YOG4PAS47N Cyanogen OS 12.1 YOG4PAS47N Incremental OTA YU Yuphoria

Step 1: Download the C OS 12.1 OTA Update from above download section. If you are looking for stock recovery for your device, download the recovery image file and install it first.

Step 2: Transfer the necessary file to your device’s internal storage or SDcard. Place the file where you can easily locate them as you will need to navigate to the path.

Step 3: Now boot into stock recovery. To do so, turn off your device completely and then press and hold the power button and volume down key for a few seconds. On the next screen, choose recovery if an option is available. Alternatively, you can issue the following ADB command from command prompt or terminal to boot into recovery

adb reboot recovery

Step 4: Once into the recovery, choose to apply updates from storage. Now navigate to the OTA update file location and select it.

Step 5: Choose Confirm and let the installation complete its process.

Step 6: Once successful, reboot to system.

First boot may take a while so be patient. Once the update process completes, you can enjoy your new firmware.

Did this procedure fail for you? Try this:

Manually update Yu Yuphoria with latest OTA update using ADB and Fastboot.

UPDATE: For a full tutorial, get to this page and checkout the second method. Alternatively, you can setup ADB and Fastboot on your PC, enable USB debugging on your Yuphoria. Connect to PC and reboot into bootloader by issuing the following command:

adb reboot bootloader

Once into bootloader, open command prompt or terminal on PC where the OTA update is located and issue the following command.

adb sideload

Here is the name of the incremental OTA zip file. If you want a detailed tutorial or help with installing stock recovery comment down below.

If you need any help, then comment down below. Get in touch with us if you want to know more about stock recovery installation. Like and share us on social media. Also See: How to Install CM 13 on YU Yuphoria [Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow] And: CyanogenMod 13 For YU Yutopia Now Available Based On Marshmallow.

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