Install Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Stock Firmware [Download RUU File]

Install Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Stock Firmware [Download RUU File] androidsage

A new software version, Android 6.0 Marshmallow, hits the Sprint variant of the HTC One A9 and here we are with the installation instructions. The update comes in the form of an RUU.exe file right from the HTC official website. This new update brings crucial stability improvements like the camera and battery life improvements, additional WiFi functionalities, etc. It also brings an upgrade to its Android version taking it to the latest v6.0.1.

We have listed 3 methods to install the update. The first one is for the RUU file with .exe extension. It can be installed directly. However, if you have the file then it can be flashed using the Fastboot method. Here is how you can update your HTC One A9 to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware with RUU file with .exe extension.

This software upgrade- HTC Website available for your HTC One provides the following key enhancements:

· Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update
· Battery life improvements
· Camera feature improvements
· Addition of Wi-Fi Calling Functionality
· System enhancements

Note: Before you proceed, please confirm that this software upgrade to 1.57.651.1 is a newer version than what is currently loaded on your device. If it is the same version, there is no need to reload the software. Navigate to the Home screen, then tap All apps > Settings > About and locate the Software information. If your Software number is less than 1.57.651.1, you should proceed with the upgrade. During the upgrade process the device will reboot multiple times and show software upgrade screens. Do not remove the AC charger or long-press the Power button as this might stop the update and your device may be rendered inoperable

Download Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0 Marshmallow RUU File

Sprint HTC One A9 Maintenance Release
Download | File: RUU_HIA_AERO_WHL_M60_SENSE7GP_SPCS_MR_Sprint_WWE_1.57.651.1_R2.exe

Sprint HTC One A9 file
→ Download | File: [Link not available]


1. Verify your device for compatibility. The listed firmware is compatible with Sprint HTC One A9 only.

2. Enable USB Debugging on your device. To do so, go to Settings>About Phone> Tap on the Build Number several times until you get a new Developer Options in theSettings. Open Developer Options and enable USB Debugging from there. Trust the connection by allowing it when you connect it to your PC for the first time.

3. Make sure you have latest device drivers setup on your PC for a better connection. Get it from the official page of your device manufacturer.

4. To be sure, fully charge your device as the process make take a while.

5. For ADB and Fastboot download the quick ADB and Fastboot Installer from here for Windows. You may also like HTC Fastboot tool for the HTC device.

Method 1: Update Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Stock Firmware with RUU EXE File

If you have the RUU.EXE file, then this is the recommended method and the flash process will be comparatively easy. Download the latest available RUU.exe file from above for your device. To successfully flash it, make sure you have the latest HTC drivers or the HTC Sync installed. Connect your phone to your computer and launch the RUU.EXE file. Follow the instruction from the RUU program.

Once you successfully update your phone software, you can now enjoy your stock firmware.

Method 2: Update Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Stock Firmware Using Fasboot

Step 1: Go through this procedure only if you have the file.

Step 2: Download the RUU zip file. You don’t need to extract the file, just transfer the file to your PC where you can easily locate it.

Step 3: Make sure you setup ADB and Fastboot on your PC. Trust the connection: Check Always allow from this computer when you plug in the device for the first time.

Step 4: Now turn off your device completely and unplug it from your PC.

Step 5: Boot into the bootloader or Fastboot mode. To do so, turn off your device and then press and hold volume down + the power button simultaneously for a few seconds. When you see the bootloader screen, connect your device to the PC using a USB cable.(Choose Fastboot if option is available) For an alternative method look at the end of this method.

Step 6: Navigate to the location where you have placed the RUU file. Rename the recovery file to a simple one, like htc_a9_ruu.img. While the folder with htc_a9_ruu.img file is open, hold the shift key on the keyboard and right-click on an empty space and select “Open command window here” option to launch a cmd window.

Step 7: Now issue the following command in the command prompt to check your device connectivity

fastboot devices

Step 8: Now flash the RUU. Issue the following command for that.

htc_fastboot flash zip <file name>.zip

Step 9: Now the firmware will start installing.

Once you have installed the OTA, you can now enjoy your new firmware. Alternatively, while, on Linux or Mac OS, you can issue “./htc_fastboot flash zip <file name>.zip” command to flash the RUU zip file.

How to boot into bootloader or Fastboot mode using ADB

You can also issue the following command through your cmd or terminal, while connected to the PC, in order to boot into the bootloader. First setup ADB and Fastboot environment from requirements and then follow instructions till step 5. Once into the command prompt or terminal, issue the following command:

adb reboot bootloader

Method 3: Update Sprint HTC One A9 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Stock Firmware with RUU ZIP File

Here is an alternative method for installing the file.

Step 1: First, rename the RUU zip file to “”, save it to the root of your external SDcard.

Step 2: Reboot the phone into bootloader mode. Refer to the method one in order to boot into bootloader.

Step 3: Now it will start scanning the SDcard and detect the file.

Step 4: When asked, “Do you want to start update?”.

Step 5: Use your volume Up/Down key to start or cancel the flash.

Step 6: Wait for the process to complete and don’t turn off your phone during the flash.

Like and share us on social media. For any help or queries, comment down below. See how to update Sprint HTC One M9 to Marshmallow with RUU file :Update HTC One M9 To Android 6.0 Marshmallow Firmware With RUU. Also See: Install Official HTC One M8 Marshmallow OTA Update Using TWRP And Stock Recovery [ V6.12.401.4] And: Download Sprint HTC One M8 Android 6.0 Marshmallow Stock Firmware [Install RUU File]

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