Root Galaxy Note 5 on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and Fix Deep Sleep [N920C]


A new root method is available for the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 N920C variant which recently received Android 6.0. Marshmallow firmware update and this guide will root the same. Courtesy of XDA Forum member, dr.ketan, root access as well as the deep sleep fix is now achievable with some modifications. This method has been tested running by the OP as well as some users as well.

So if you are looking forward to rooting your device and also fix the deep sleep mode on Note 5, go through the following procedure to successfully gain it. Plus you also get to install a custom recovery. As it is still in its initial stages, you may also feel a lag if you root. Hence, always check if the files you are using are the latest ones. Hit the download section for the source. However, the deep sleep fix method works flawlessly. So if you are just looking for the fix, then stop at the Step #3. For root, proceed. The procedure may feel complex, but in the near future, you may be able to root just using a SuperSU package. Chainfire can be expected be working on it.

Download Required Files

Rooting Files:

Check Latest files from the source page: Link

How to Root Galaxy Note 5 on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Plus Deep Sleep Fix

Step 1: Make sure you have downloaded all the necessary files from above and transfer it to your device’s internal storage. Also, perform a full backup before and after your install TWRP.

Step 2: Download TWRP from above with .tar extension and flash it using Odin Software. For the tutorial, get to this page. Now reboot to recovery and take a full backup.

Step 3: If you just want Deep Sleep Fix, then flash file using TWRP and reboot the system. Test deep sleep from below. Otherwise, if you are just looking for the root access, then proceed with steps below.

Step 4: Procedure for root: Download this Xposed Module and flash it using TWRP.

Step 5: Download N920C MM Root DrKetan_New2 zip and reboot to system.

Step 6: Now install this superuser.apk file.

If device gives you lag, then try uninstalling the SuperSU application.

How to test deep sleep:

You can test it with some CPU monitoring app. However, these tests may show you the issue is fixed even if it’s not. You may also need to perform a factory reset.

This app will simply test if the procedure worked or not. It won’t show you if your device goes to deep sleep or not. If CPU monitor confirms your device is having deep sleep, install the Deep Sleep Test 1.0.apk listed in the download section. It will provide you toast notification about the fix status.

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