Port S7 Edge Apps and Framework on Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge with Sixperience ROM


Yes, the Sixperience ROM is claimed to be the first custom ROM to come with Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge port. It comes with all the S7 Edge apps and a framework to support them giving you the feel of the next Samsung flagship phone. Moreover, a stable v3.0 has been released for the ROM and is based on the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Samsung TouchWiz UI. Along with the S7 features and framework, the ROM features Pre-rooted, Zipaligned, Debloated -Light, Note 5 Aircommand and much more. You can check out the features and changelog from below.

  • 6.0.1 Marshmallow -Android
  • Prerooted
  • Zipaligned
  • Debloated -Light
  • S7 Framework Edge
  • Edge S7-All apps are Ported
  • Note 5 Aircommand (Needs some editing to work completely with fingers)
  • Fast and responsive
  • Battery Friendly
  • Working S7E People Edge

So what comes with this the latest v3.0? It is termed as a stable release with added and fixed S7 Edge SoundAlive, rebased ROM on official S7 Edge ROM, fixed all missing settings, fingerprint fixed with S7 settings (setup at first boot or in unlock method is required and then fingerprint menu in settings works as well)

Devices Supported:

  • G920F
  • G920K
  • G920L
  • G920S
  • G925F
  • G925K
  • G925L
  • G925S

What’s not working?

As the kernel source is not yet available, bugs in Always on display. Hence, disable it at first boot. Also, Night clock, hence, disable it at first boot as well. Once the kernel is available, it will be fixed too. Meanwhile, grab the ROM file from the download section below.

Download S7 ROM Port↓


SIXPERIENCE_S7_PORT_V3.zip [1.21 GB] → [su_button url=”https://mega.nz/#!lU4m0YxS!aeTQhL_W0TyZbqDukQroEv90joVWQ3WJy5lIN46D5YA” target=”blank”]Download S7 Port[/su_button]

Latest TWRP for S6 and S6 Edge → Link

For more updates → Visit Source


How to Port S7 Edge Apps and Framework on Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge

This guide will install TWRP and then flash the custom ROM onto your device. If you already have TWRP, then backup, wipe and flash the ROM directly. If not then follow. First, download the required file from the download section [Samsung Galaxy S7 Port Sixperience ROM and TWRP]. Now transfer the file to your device’s internal storage or SDCard. Place the TWRP on PC. Follow the steps to successfully flash the ROM.

Step 1: Reboot into the bootloader or Odin mode on your S6 device. To do so, turn your phone off completely and press the volume down, home and power buttons simultaneously for a few seconds.

Step 2: Now open Odin software on your PC and connect your Galaxy device to your computer. Make sure you are on Marshmallow, if not then flash the MM bootloader first; link in download section [TWRP].

Step 3: Click on AP and flash the TWRP (use the latest build with .tar extension). For a full tutorial, get here. It’s recommended that you create a backup before you proceed.

Step 4: Now reboot into the TWRP recovery. To do so, turn your phone off completely and press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously for a few seconds.

Step 5: Once into the TWRP recovery, backup everything. Now tap on the wipe and wipe Data, Cache, Dalvik Cache and format /System.

Step 6: Go home and tap “Install” and flash the S7 ROM.

Reboot and enjoy your new custom ROM.

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