Download Samsung Galaxy S7 Ringtones, UI & Notification Sounds and more Audio

Samsung Galaxy S7 is on its way and the stock firmware files are available to download for the same. Android enthusiasts have been porting the framework, apps and the entire ROM from the S7 onto their Galaxy devices. Amid all the port, here we are with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Audio files that include Ringtones, Notification sounds, UI sounds for the TouchWiz device. It may work on other Android devices as well.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to the download section below and grab the S7 Audio zip file. Extract it and get all the files you need. The files have been classified into notification tones, ringtones and UI tones in the folder.

Download Galaxy S7 Audio Files

[sociallocker]S7 Audio → [su_button url=”” style=”flat”]Download S7 Audio[/su_button]

Also Download: S7 Stock Wallpapers


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