Install Galaxy S7 Apps and Features to Galaxy S6 and Note 5


The Samsung Galaxy S7 is the hottest Smartphone among Android enthusiasts though it has not been launched worldwide at the moment. The pre-orders have started and hopefully this month, it will be available to all. No matter when the device launches, we already have the full firmware file for the Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge and Android enthusiasts have started porting this brilliant ROM to their devices. Earlier, we brought to you the stock S7 wallpapers, stock S7 Ringtones, UI tones, S7 Apps port & ROM port, full firmware and much more. And now, here we are with the Apps and features from the Galaxy S7 6.0.1 TouchWiz firmware ready to be ported to other Samsung devices like the S6, S6 Edge and Plus and the Note 5 on the latest official Marshmallow firmware.

Yes, you will need to be rooted and TWRP installed. Fortunately, we already have the working root and TWRP procedure for the S6/Edge/Plus and Note 5 devices on the official Android 6.0.1 update. Here are some Apps and features that can be ported to your devices and turn it close to the stunning Galaxy S7 device: S7 Galaxy Labs (Home unified + One Word Call unlocker), S7 Game Launcher, S7 Weather Widget (with new 2×1 dimension support), S7 Wallpaper Picker, S7 Galaxy Apps and Widget, S7 Theme Store. Check out the screen shots from our Pinterest board.

Download Galaxy S7 Apps and Features

UPDATE: Samsung Galaxy S7 Camera App Ported → Link

S7 Galaxy Labs (Home unified + One Word Call unlocker) → Link
[Flash via TWRP recovery. If you don’t have it then unpack the zip and put apk in system/priv-app with correct permissions (rw-r-r), then reboot.]

S7 Game Launcher → Link
[Flash through TWRP recovery.]

S7 Weather Widget (with new 2×1 dimension support) → Link
[Backup and delete your old AccuWeather & WeatherDeamon from system/app and then flash S7E weather zip via TWRP]

S7 Wallpaper Picker → Link
[Put in system/priv-app/WallpaperPicker_Zero2 then set correct permissions (rw-r-r). Delete arm folder if you’re on ODEX rom (like stock rom) and then reboot.]

S7 Galaxy Apps and Widget → Link
[Unpack and directly install the APK files]

S7 Theme Store
For Android 6.0.1 → Download
Foor Android 5.1.1 → Download
[Install as a normal apk]

Get Always ON Display Feature → Link

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