Download Live and Stock Wallpapers From LG G5 UX 5.0 [New LG UI Video]


The LG G5 is the latest flagship phone from LG and comes with an innovative design and expected to be launched in April first week. In fact, the device is just around the corner and the pre-order has already started in some countries. The G5 is one of the first modular device or, at least, an effort to bring about some modular design to Smartphones. The bottom side can be replaced with a new hardware like CamPlus for enhanced camera features and longer battery life. We can expect more such modules in the future. The stunning device was first revealed at the MWC 2016 event held in Barcelona recently. Now, LG has come up with a video featuring the new LG UX 5.0. We also have the LG G5 system dump available holding this actual UX 5.0 and the live and static wallpapers have been extracted from it.

Android enthusiasts and developers have extracted the system dump from this latest flagship phone from LG. The system dump weighs 1.7 GB and is not a flashable zip file; just for testing and development purposes. The system is from the international variant LG H850 (Global) with build number v09h. The firmware H850V9H incorporates the latest Android 6.0.1 (MMB29M) Marshmallow OS. The build is dated- Wed Feb 17 00:09:11 KST 2016. It holds the latest LG UX 5.0 with security patches from February and is a pure stock odexed ROM.

Download LG G5 Live and Stock Wallpapers

  • LG G5 Live Wallpapers → Download [Mirror]| File:
  • LG G5 Live Wallpapers [G3 & G4] → Download | File:
  • LG G5 Stock Wallpapers →Download  [Mirror]| File:
  • LG G5 System Dump → Link
  • More LG G5 Stock Wallpapers → Link

The live wallpaper package is a TWRP flashable zip file. It can be installed on almost all the Android devices running Lollipop or higher version. The stock wallpapers are more than Follow and like us on social media.

Thanks to: Zyxxeil from XDA

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