Install Official CM 13 ZNH0EAS26M Marshmallow on OnePlus One Cyanogen OS 13

oneplus one official marshmallow update

The OnePlus One was first launched with Cyanogen OS 12 that came as a stock ROM for the device. Later an alternate ROM was released for it viz, Oxygen OS which is currently the primary firmware for all of the OnePlus devices. However, now, the CyanogenMod community, that basically releases the COS or CM 13 ROMS, has a bigs announcement. The source code for CM 12.1 based on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop is being updated  to the latest CM 13 and will be released on April 9th. This means that the OnePlus One is very likely to receive Android 6.0 Marshmallow update officially from the CyanogenMod community. The update won’t be coming for the Oxygen OS but instead for the Cyanogen OS 12.1 that the device currently holds. According to the OnePlus forums, the release will take OnePlus One to CM 13.0 ZNH0EAS26M over the Cyanogen OS 12.1.1 (5.1.1) named cm-12.1-YOG7DAS2K1.

The reference is a bit confusing as the stock ROM for the device is Cyanogen OS and the file naming system mentions it as CM 12.1. Of course, as it comes from the CyaongenMod development team, the file is named CM 13 and not COS 13. To further complicate matters, the linked CM 13 blog post is for the Snapshot releases, which have a build version of ZNH0EAO1QB, so it will either be a separate snapshot CyanogenMod 13 build or will be based on CyanogenOS 13. Anyway, the update is most likely to hit the devices tomorrow and we will get to know it when it’s released. However, you will receive it over the air only if you are on stock COS 12.1. Otherwise, you will have to revert back to CM 12.1 YOG7DAS2K1 and then update using stock recovery. Alternatively, you can grab the full firmware ROM and flash it with the TWRP recovery. We will be updating the file here in the post once the files are available. Meanwhile, you can check the official Cyanogen OS repository from the download section. Update: Links are now live for the Factory image and a new incremental OTA ZNH0EAS2JK is available. Check out the download section below and images from our Pinterest account.

Download  Marshmallow For OnePlus One

There are three methods to install Marshmallow on OnePlus One. The first being, receive the update over the air and apply updates with stock recovery. For stock recovery method, get to this page. However, for that, you need to be on Cyanogen OS. Secondly, if you have a full factory image of the Cyanogen OS, then extract it and flash each file using Fastboot method. Grab the factory image file from download section and flash the fastboot full factory image file with this tutorial- Restore OnePlus One To Stock Cyanogen OS 13/12.1 Firmware or for detailed reference use –how to install factory images. The third method is to grab a TWRP flashable file and flash it manually. Here, in this guide, we have listed the TWRP method. The TWRP flashable zip file links are now live. You can use the desired method.

How to Install Official CM 13 ZNH0EAS26M Marshmallow on OnePlus One Using TWRP

Step 1: Download the Cyanogen OS 3.0 Update file from above. You can use the full flashable zip file from above.

Step 2: Transfer all the necessary files to you device’s internal storage or SDcard. Place the files where you can easily locate it.

Step 3: Now boot into TWRP recovery. To do so, turn off your device completely and then press and hold the power button and volume down key for a few seconds. Once you see the TWRP logo, that means you have successfully booted into the recovery. Alternatively, if you have rooted device, then use Android apps like the Quick boot or Boot Smart.

Step 4: Once into TWRP, take a Nandroid backup. To do so, tap Backup option and select all the partitions including the system, data, boot, recovery, EFS and cache(optional).

Step 5: Now wipe the current system. To do so, return to home screen and tap the Wipe option in TWRP. Tap Advanced Wipe and select partitions like system, data, cache, Dalvik cache. Do not, in any case, select internal storage, unless you know what you are doing.

Step 6: Now return to the home screen again and tap Install option. Navigate to the Cyanogen OS zip file location on your device’s internal storage and select it. Swipe to confirm.

Once installation completes, you can wipe the Dalvik cache or simply choose reboot to system option. Once you reboot, you should see the new boot logo. This means that the ROM has been installed successfully. Follow and like us on social media. For queries comment down below or leave a question in the forums.

Source: CyanogenMod, OnePlus Forums, XDA

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