Install Best Galaxy S7 Ported ROMS for Samsung Note 5 and S6 Edge Plus

Download Best Galaxy S7 Ported ROMS for Samsung Note 5 Install Guide Android 6.0.1

We have already listed the official Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Samsung firmware for several Note 5 variants. However, as the Samsung Galaxy S7 and the S7 Edge devices and their firmware are now available, developers and Android enthusiasts have started porting the latest TouchWiz UI onto other Samsung devices. One such lucky device is the Note 5. Earlier we posted the S7 Edge ROM ports for the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge, Galaxy Note 3, etc. and the firmware runs with no major bugs. Here are are some of the best Samsung Galaxy S7 ROM Ports for the Note 5. Now these are custom ROMS and some of them are not completely based on the Galaxy S7 base firmware as that is not completely possible at this early stage. Some of the ROMs listed below are based on the latest Note 5 base PD3, PD6 Android 6.0.1 firmware and some are hybrid Note 5 and Galaxy S7 G935FXXU1APC8 based custom ROMS. However, you will find most of the Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge features and apps integrated into them. In order to begin wth flashing the Galaxy S7 port, make sure you have custom TWRP recovery installed on your Note 5 device. If not then check out this tutorial: How to Root and install TWRP on Note 5. Moreover, if you are just looking for Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge apps and features for the Note 5 then head over to this tutorial: Port Galaxy S7 Apps and Features onto Galaxy S6 and Note 5. Always take a Backup before you flash anything via TWRP. Download the best Samsung Galaxy S7 ROM for Note 5 all variants N920X.

Download Galaxy S7 Ported ROMS For Note 5

Simple S7 Edge Port V1.7 for the Note5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+

The Simple S7 Edge Port for Note 5 is based on the N920C N920CXXU2BPC7 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware and ported features from S7 Edge firmware G935FXXU1APC8. Features: Rooted with systemless SuperSU 2.68, Stock Kernel, BusyBox 1.24.1, DeOdexed, DeKNOXed, Zipaligned, Build.Prop Tweaks, CSC Tweaks, Call Recording, etc. It consists of all the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge apps and features. Supported devices and variants are: N920C/CD, N920I/G, N920S/K/L, G928F

DarthStalker Note 5 Version 8 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow

The DarthStalker Note 5 v8 ROM is based on the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow T-Mobile Galaxy Note 5 N920TUVU2DPD1 6.0.1 base firmware. This is the same ROM as that we listed for the Galaxy S6 and the Note 3. It is a multi-carrier ROM and supports many variants including the USA SM-N920T, N920P, N920V, N920I, N920W8 Canada, international variants like N920I etc.You will need to select the device/variant and proceed while installation. It comes with the following features:

★ Aroma Installer Support
★ Multi-Carrier Support
★ Multi-Device Support
★ Rooted
★ Zipaligned
★ Deodexed
★ Busybox
★ SuperSU
★ Wi-Fi Calling [Only For T-Mobile Users]
★ MMS Over Wi-Fi [Only For T-Mobile Users]
★ Init.d Support
★ KNOX Free

Dr. Ketan S7 Edge M6 ROM (Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow) Note 5 base

The ROM comes to Note 5 from the developer that first brought Root and TWRP for the Android 6.0.1 TouchWiz listed above. This ROM is based on Note 5 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow N920IDVU2BPD3 firmware with April security patches. It is a feature pack ROM and comes with tons of important and useful features, mods, tweaks, etc. Features added: S7 Edge features.All supported features which don’t require physical edge except ADO service Edge feature ported separately rather than porting complete S7 frameworks to preserve N5 especially S Pen features., Light Debloated, Deodexed, De-Knox, Pre-rooted, and much more. Known supported devices: N920I,

Note 5 Family ROM v1.0 N920CXXU2BPD6 +S7 Edge Panels

This ROM is based on Note 5 N920CXXU2BPD6 firmware and comes with many features. For Galaxy S7 apps and panels, flash the file listed above separately. Features: Added Once and Always option in Open With, Deodexed all Apps, Rooted with SuperSU 2.74, Auto Wipe Cache, Dalvik Cache and Format System, System Optimization, Tweaks in Build.prop, Removed Knox, Removed Social Apps, etc. Supported devices: SM-N910C. Also tested working on SM-N9208.

Infinity ROM vF6 for Note 5 and S6 Edge Plus

This ROM is based on Note 5 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow base N920CXXU2BPD6 firmware. Features: Rooted, Deodexed, zipaligned, Busybox, Deknoxed, Support Multiple Languages firmware.  It also comes with Aroma Installer , S7 Edge full features and Apps port like tasks edge, people edge,  Always on display, S7 edge Game launcher, S7 edge Game tool, S7 edge Galaxy lab, 5way reboot, and much more. Supported devices by Infinity ROM:

Warning: These are custom ROMS and the rooting, flashing custom ROMS, installing TWRp may void your device’s warranty. Even though these ROMS are tested by some Note 5 users, they may not work for every device. Hence, backup and always keep a stock firmware file as a last resort. Reader’s discretion is advised. We won’t be responsible for your device.

How to Install the Galaxy S7 Edge ROM Port onto Samsung Note 5 and update to Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow?

Step 1: Make sure you have downloaded all the necessary files from above and transfer it to your device’s internal storage. For instance, the compatible ROM, TWRP, Bootloader or Modem (if required)

Step 2: Perform a full backup before. Download TWRP with a .tar extension from here and flash it using latest Odin Software by adding the TWRP file to AP section in Odin. For a detailed tutorial, get to this page.

Step 3: Once done, reboot into TWRP and take a full Nandroid backup. Tap Backup and select all partitions and proceed.

Step 4: Procedure for Install the Galaxy S7 Ported ROM: Make sure you are already on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware. I not, then first flash the Android 6.0.1 MM bootloader from above and then proceed.

Step 5: Download the S7 ROM and flash it using TWRP. To do so, tap Install>Select ROM> Swipe to confirm. Go to this tutorial for reference on how to use TWRP. Alternatively, you can use the Odin Flashable Aurora kernel and flash using the Odin software. Just like you flashed the TWRP recovery.

Step 6: Once done, reboot to system.

The device may boot loop a couple of times, but that’s just normal. Like and share us on social media. For queries, comment down below.

Source: Simple S7 ROM, Darth Stalker ROM, Dr.Ketan ROM, N5 Family, Infinity XDA

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