Download Verizon Galaxy S5 G900VVRU2DPD1 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Update SM-G900V

Install and Download Verizon Galaxy S5 G900VVRU2DPD1 Android 6.0.1 Update SM-G900V androidsage

The Samsung Galaxy S5 is one of the lucky devices from the manufacturer to jump to the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow update from the former Android 5.0 Lollipop version. There is an exciting news for the Verizon Galaxy S5 SM-G900V users to receive the latest Android 6.0.1 TouchWiz firmware. The OTA update is rolling out across the United States in waves and soon it will hit the S5 devices. However, for those who are struggling to receive this update over the air, or have rooted the firmware, here is a simple solution to get the latest PD1 stock firmware update onto Verizon S5 G900V. In the download section, you will find flashable zip files of the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow G900VVRU2DPD1 Touchwiz firmware. This will take the Verizon Galaxy S5 to the AOSP build MMB29M and brings all the Marshmallow goodies like app permissions, Doze mode, Google Now on Tap, and much more as discussed on the Verizon support page. the update also brings features like WiFi calling, updated app icons, Ultra High Quality Audio like Hi-Fi Audio, and Android for Work.

Download Verizon Galaxy S5 G900VVRU2DPD1 Marshmallow Update

Before you proceed to the download section, you can either download the firmware directly from Samsung with a new tool without any speed restrictions or subscription from the first link or get it from third party websites from link 2.

Note: Install OTA update using adb sideload method.

Alternate Verizon Galaxy S5 Unrooted PD1 Marshmallow Firmware

Requirements to Install the PD1 firmware

  • FlashFire – Play BETA – PREVIEW.
  • To signup for FlasgFire beta go here: Beta tester | Then download the app from Playstore
  • You must already have root access to run the FlashFire app.
  • This method will not affect your Knox Warranty Flag.
  • It will update your device’s Modem, Non-hlos, System, Kernel, Recovery, and Bootloader.
  • No need to wipe prior to flashing, the ROM will automatically wipe User Data.
  • The Debloated version has all Google, most Verizon, and all Knox apps removed.

Check out: How to Root Samsung Galaxy S5 on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow/ Lollipop/KitKat Firmware.

How to Install Verizon Galaxy S5 G900VVRU2DPD1 Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow Update For SM-G900V with FlashFire?

  • Transfer the G900V PD1 ROM of your choice onto your device (internal or external SD card).
  • Run the FlashFire app and “Agree” to the Terms and Conditions. [Root required]
  • tap on the “(+)” sign twice to bring up the “Actions” menu.
  • Select “Flash Zip or OTA” and locate and select the ROM. Leave “Auto-mount” unchecked under the “Options” menu and press the checkmark to continue.
  • Go to the main menu and Uncheck all the options under “EverRoot” and set “Reboot” setting to “Download.”
  • Tap on the lightning bolt sign and then press “Ok” to proceed with flashing the ROM.
  • Once the flash is complete and the device reboots into “Download” mode, flash the G900V_PD1_Bootloader using Odin’s PDA/AP slot. (This may be optional. As some of them have claimed the ROM works without even the bootloader.)

Note: The screen may turn black and display the contents of your system before the flash. FlashFire may also pause for a couple of minutes while flashing the “system” partition. Once complete your device will reboot and pause on the Verizon splash screen for about 1 – 2 minutes (10 – 15 mins for deodexed version) before it reboots. That’s it.  Like and share us on social media. For any help or queries, comment down below or leave a message in the forums.

Marshmallow for more Galaxy S5 variants:

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