Install Systemless Xposed Framework 87, 86.2+ With Working OTA and Android Pay

Install Systemless Xposed Framework 85.1 With OTA and Android Pay Official

Xposed Framework has been one of the most popular Mods for the Android system. It provides Android users with numerous options to modify and personalize the stock or custom ROMS using various modules. However, the disadvantage of installing the Xposed Framework is that you lose the ability to receive OTA updates and also lose Android Pay functionality as it modifies the system partitions after installation. But not anymore, as one XDA member, topjohnwu, has modified this latest v85 and brought a Systemless Xposed Framework version 85.1. We already have the Systemless SuperSU versions from Chainfire that brings the same functionality to receive OTA updates even if the Android device is rooted, and now with the systemless Xposed, this is a great deal for Android enthusiasts. However, the Systemless Xposed from topjonwu is an unofficial build. So you actually have two versions of the same framework. One systemless and the other one official. UPDATE: Systemless / System Universal Compatibility Xposed Framework version 87, 86.2 now available for download.

On the other hand, rovo89, the developer behind Xposed Framework has brought a new version to us in support of the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow firmware. It brings some bug fixes and stability improvements like fixing the frequent boot freeze, ART crashes, built-in logcat, etc. however, this official update of Xposed version 85 does not protect OTA and Android Pay functionality. What’s new with Xposed v86.2 Update? This update includes quite some major updates.

  • Fixed some recovery don’t accept unzipping signed zip (still signed, but zip header fixed)
  • Improved root detection, so CM users with systemless SuperSU installed will still proceed as systemless
  • It will now detect which SuperSU version is installed. If it detects version older than 2.76, installer will abort
  • If user config set as systemless, but requirements aren’t met, it will abort instead of continue as system mode (prevent unexpected system rw mount if users set it manually)

Features of the official Xposed Framework

Fixed frequent boot freezes, especially for modules accessing many files
Built-in way to get a full logcat
Crashes not related to Xposed/ART are no longer written to the normal Xposed logs
Warning to disable “Instant Run” in Android Studio, otherwise the module can’t be loaded
ART commit included in CyanogenMod and other ROMs. Android 6.0 only
Forced clearing Dalvik cache while upgrading from previous versions. Android 6.0 only, etc.

Now for the Systemless Xposed framework, it has been tested on some device running on Android 6.0 Marshmallow with arm, arm 64 and x86 processor architecture like HTC One M8 (arm), HTC 10 (arm64) and Nexus 9 (arm64). After installation, you will be able to receive the OTA updates and with just a toggle from the Xposed installer app and a simple reboot will give you the ability to use Android Pay. The developer quotes:

The way I achieved Android Pay on systemless is the mount script in the ramdisk will detect the disable file created by Xposed installer. If the file exist, it won’t mount the app_process, but the rest of the ART libs and binaries are still mounted, so ART cache will not re-build when disabled.

Download Systemless Xposed Framework v87, 86.2+ For Marshmallow

Systemless Xposed 87 for Android 6.0 or later with OTA and Android Pay Functionality

Xposed uninstaller

Download Systemless Xposed 86.2+

More Xposed installer downloads

You will also need the Xposed Installer APK or the Material Design Xposed Installer see how to download and install it from below. To uninstall systemless Xposed, restore stock boot image and re-flash SuperSU to gain root and disable encryption/verity etc. Also, download latest Systemless stable SuperSU v2.76.

Download Official Xposed Framework v87+

Official Xposed framework version 87 is now available and live. It supports Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Lollipop, etc. Check out this age for all the official Xposed downloads including the Xposed  Installer APK and see how to install it from below.

How to Install Official and Systemless Xposed Framework on Any Android Device?

To know how to install Xposed framework or want Xposed for Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Android 5.1.1 Lollipop, and Android 4.4 KitKat, then head over to this tutorial: How to Install Xposed Framework? Like and share us on social media. If you need any help, then comment down below or leave a question in forums.

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