Download Oxygen OS 3.2.1 & 3.2.0 for OnePlus 3: Improved RAM Management, Camera & more

Download & Install Oxygen OS 3.2.0 for OnePlus 3 RAM and camera

The OnePlus development has been desperately getting into improving their latest flagship phone this year which has recently been launched. Despite some stunning specification and a whopping 6 GB of RAM, the OnePlus 3 does not run at its full potential. The device needs some critical fixes and performance improvements to become a flagship killer of 2016. Hence, the OnePlus development team has yet again released an update to the current Oxygen OS 3.1.3 which was released not so long ago. The Oxygen OS 3.1.2 is available for download on the official OnePlus support page. Check out the download section. UPDATE: The OnePlus development team has now skipped the Oxygen OS 3.2.0 and released a new version Oxygen OS 3.2.1. So those who have already been on Oxygen OS 3.2.0, can grab the next one from the download section below.

Rumors were that the new update will come with the version Oxygen OS 3.1.4. However, the OnePlus forum members have confirmed that the OTA will be released with the new Oxygen OS 3.2.0 and will still be based on the Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and not the Android 7.0 Nougat. The OTA will be released within the next 48 hours. It brings the much-awaited RAM (memory management) and camera improvements, sRGB mode, GPS enhancements, and much more. The OTA will also come with a newer AOSP source. We will be updating the Oxygen OS 3.2.0 OTA update and full firmware zip files once they are available for rooted as well as non-rooted users. So despite stock recovery or custom TWRP recovery, you can now update the OnePlus 3 to the newer version of OOS 3.2.0.

Screenshots for OOS 3.2.0

What’s New With Oxygen OS 3.2.0?

  • Enabled sRGB mode in developer options.
  • Improved RAM management.
  • Improved GPS performance.
  • Enhanced audio playback quality.
  • Updated custom icon packs.
  • Fixed some issues with notifications.
  • Improved camera quality/functionality.
  • Fixed some issues in Gallery.
  • Implemented latest Google security patches.
  • Fixed bugs in Clock/Music apps.

What’s New With Oxygen OS 3.2.1?

  • Fixed some notification issues
  • Addressed SIM recognition issue
  • Plus the updates listed above


Download Oxygen OS 3.2.0 for OnePlus 3

  • Oxygen OS 3.2.0 OTA Update → Download [Mirror] | [396 MB]
  • Oxygen OS 3.2.0 Full Firmware zip file → Download [Mirror]| File: [1.20 GB]
  • Oxygen OS 3.1.3 → Visit Page
  • Oxygen OS 3.1.2 full firmware→ Download | File:

Download Oxygen OS 3.2.1 for OnePlus 3

  • Oxygen OS 3.2.1 OTA Update → Download [Mirror] | [14 MB]
    • Oxygen OS 3.2.0 Full Firmware zip file → Download [Mirror]| File: [1.20 GB]

How to Install Oxygen OS 3.2.0/3.2.1 For OnePlus 3 with ADB sideload method? [Non-Rooted Users/Stock Recovery]

There are 2 methods to install the stock OTA files on OnePlus devices. First, If you have the OTA then you can manually flash it using stock recovery. To install OTA update via stock recovery, head over to this tutorial: How to Install Oxygen OS OTA Update on OnePlus devices with Stock Recovery. (Method one there.) This method may not work with every device. Hence, the above method works for all the non-rooted users with stock recovery installed. There is no harm in trying the stock recovery method.

Secondly, you can flash it using ADB sideload method. This is the manual method for installing the OTA zip file on most of the Android devices. For this method to work, you need to setup ADB and fastboot environment on your PC, connect your device via USB, and enter “adb sideload <filename>.zip” command via terminal or command prompt.  To install OTA update via ADB sideload, download the file from above and head over to this tutorial for detailed steps: How to install OTA updates on Android device using ADB sideload method?

How to Install Oxygen OS 3.2.1/3.2.0 on OnePlus 3 with TWRP? [Rooted]

For those of you who have rooted and setup a custom TWRP recovery onto their OnPlus 3 device, can manually flash the Oxygen OS 3.2.0 flashable zip file. To install, download the file from above and head over to this tutorial here: How to flash Oxygen OS update zip file using TWRP?

Source: OnePlus Forums, OnePlus Support, OnePlus Forums 2, XDA

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