How to Install a Custom ROM on Android Wear? Root and Install TWRP

How to Install a Custom ROM on Android Wear and Install TWRP

Custom ROMS are basically modified operating systems for an Android device. Custom ROMS come in several forms like the popular CyanogenMOD 13, 12.1, 11, etc., modified ROMS close to AOSP, and the stock based ROMS. Stock based ROM is the modified stock firmware. Now, the custom ROMS are not just limited to Android devices. Some developers at XDA have come up with the first successful custom ROM for the Android wear as well. One such lucky Android wear to receive a custom ROM is the Huawei Watch. The ROM goes by the name Huawei-ROM NX and has been updated 2 times which brings it to a more stable version 1.3.

Now, as it is a custom ROM, you will first need to setup a TWRP recovery onto your Huawei watch. We have already shown you the TWRP for LG Watch Urbane. TWRP is a custom recovery meant to install custom packages just like a custom ROM, SuperSU, etc. A similar recovery is now available for the Huawei Watch. Hence, taking this device as an example, we present a tutorial to install a custom ROM on the Huawei watch. The procedure to setup TWRP is the same as that for any other Android device. First, you will need to unlock the bootloader if applicable, then flash the TWRP recovery using fastboot method, and finally, flash the Huawei-ROM-NX file via TWRP. The TWRP v3.0.2.0 build is unofficial. However, it has been tested working on the device by some users. available for the device. With this new custom recovery, you can now tinker with your device and make the most out of it. Note that the TWRP is only available for select devices. Hence, it won’t run on any other Android Wear as the files are device specific.

Warning: Unlocking bootloader, rooting, or installing TWRP may void your device’s warranty. Even though the instructions provided below have been tested on other devices, you should still be cautious about it. Readers discretion is advised.

Features of the Huawei-ROM-NX Custom ROM for Huawei Watch

Based On MWD69 – Wear 1.5
Busybox 1.25.0
Many System Apps Moved To /data For Easy Uninstall
Added ES File Explorer And Wear Keyboard
Updated Gapps, Hangouts, Fit, Maps, Music

How to Install TWRP and Custom ROM on Android Wear like Huawei Watch?

Download TWRP For Huawei Watch

  • TWRP for Huawei Watch→ Link | File: twrp-f2fs-3.0.2-sturgeon.img

Download Custom ROM for Huawei Watch

If you are wondering, how you could possibly install this custom recovery, then just like any other Android device, the official way to flash such custom packages is using ADB and Fastboot methods. All you need to do is connect your device to PC with ADB and Fastboot set up on the computer and boot into bootloader or Fastboot mode. Issue a simple Fastboot command fastboot flash recovery twrp.img in order to flash the recovery. To boot into bootloader, use this command: adb reboot-bootloader and to unlock the bootloader, issue this command: adb oem unlock. For a full tutorial, get to this page: How to install TWRP and unlock the bootloader on Android device?

How to Exchange files between your Android Wear and phone wirelessly over Bluetooth?

Use ES File Explorer App on your Android wear to transfer files between your phone to your Android watch over Bluetooth.

  • Make sure ES File Explorer is installed on your
  • Go to Bluetooth under Networks in  the ES app on your watch (Top Left Menu Button)
  • Do the same on your phone
  • Now connect your watch and phone and Transfer files (Use watch. The phone won’t do it.)

How to Root Android Wear?

Once you setup the TWRP recovery, take a Nandroid backup and flash the latest available SuperSU 2.74+. If you are still confused, head over to this tutorial to know how to unlock the bootloader, install TWRP, and root all in one place.

Source: XDA

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