Download latest LGUP Flashtool for all LG devices | LG Flashtool 2014 & LG Bridge
Most of the Android devices need some flashing tool that provides the user with several advanced features like restoring the device to complete stock, recover bricked phone, flash OTA update, and much more. For instance, the Odin software for Samsung, the RUU package by HTC, etc. Similarly, a new tool has been developed by contributors and LG enthusiasts named LGUP. This brilliant tool will detect your phone and help you install the stock firmware, upgrade LG device to latest Android OS (which is Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow at this moment), or even unbrick a device using recovery mode/download mode.
Earlier, LG flash tool 2014 became quite popular among LG users to flash KDZ firmware files. However, the software had some bugs with connectivity and recognition of device/firmware. Later, a new tool was introduced named LGUP that now serves the same purpose. It is bug-free and a lot more stable. Here we have listed the latest LGUP flash tool versions and DLL files for most of the LG devices. Though any LGUP tool can be used for any device, there have been custom versions for each LG device as well.
Note that, the LGUP flash tool is not an official software from the manufacturer. This was created by LG enthusiasts and developers to make the flashing procedure a lot easier. Moreover, f you are looking for an official update/recovery tool from the manufacturer itself, then you may want to check out the LG bridge/LG PC Suite. It is an official tool and is recommended by LG when you want to recovery or unbrick your device. You will see the LG bridge recovery tool listed below.
Download latest LGUP flashtool for LG devices
LGUP comes in 2 files LGUP store frame, and LGUP DLL version. Both are .msi files and you will need to install both in order to make the flashtool work on your Windows PC.
- Download LGUP for LG G5 → Download | Find the latest LGUP and DLL files
- → LGUP Flash tool
File 1: LGUP_8994_DLL_Ver_0_0_3_23.msi File 2: LGUP_Store_Frame_Ver_1_14_3.msi - New LGUP with commn.dll file → Download | File: newlgup.rar
- LGUP common.dll file → Download | File:
- Download LGUP for LG G3 →
File 1:Â LGUP_8994_DLL_Ver_0_0_3_23.msi
File 2: LGUP_Store_Frame_Ver_1_14_3.msi
- Download LGUP for LG G2 → Download |
LG V10
- Download LGUP for LG V10 → Download | LGUPV10.rar
LG V20
- Download LGUP for LG V20 → Download | coming soon…
Download LG Flashtool 2014 for LG devices
This is the old tool used before LGUP came into existence. It will work just fine with all the LG variants. However, the installation procedure is a bit different than LGUP.
- LG Flash Tool 2014 → Download | File:
Check out how to use LG Flash tool 2014 from here.
Download official LG Bridge recovery tool
- LG Bridge official recovery tool→ Download |
How to download LG Bridge?
- Visit the LG Bridge help page from your PC.
- Click the download links alongside Windows PC or Mac OS.
-  Now run LGBridge_Setup.exe to install.
For older devices, you may need LG PC Suite to perform the upgrade or restore procedure. Download LG PC Suite from here.
Download latest LG USB drivers officially from LG
How to use LGUP flash tool to flash stock firmware and unbrick/debrick LG device?
Here is a full tutorial on how to use the LGUP flash tool for LG devices.
How to use LG bridge to recover LG devices?
Here is a tutorial on how to download and use LG Bridge and LG PC Suite to upgrade LG device. Follow and like us on social media. For queries either comment down below.