Download & Install Oxygen OS 3.5.5 for OnePlus 3 | Oxygen OS 4.1.6 & Open Beta 18 build

Update: OnePlus 3 is now being updated to latest official Oxygen OS 4.1.6 firmware update and the latest Open Beta 18 for OnePlus 3 or 3T. The well known Chinese manufacturer OnePlus has now stepped into upgrading its flagship phone OnePlus 3 with a new community build Oxygen OS 3.5.4 and many new features. This is followed by the community build for the OnePlus X that was released just this week with Oxygen OS version 3.1.0 based on the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. The OOS v3.5 for the flagship device brings a great deal of features, functionalities and revamped system UI. Well, we would have wished Oneplus has brought us Android 7.0 Nougat firmware or just some of its features. However, it may take some time for the development team to release it at this moment. So Oxygen OS 3.5 is still based on the stable Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow. Though, it comes with a newer AOSP source; most likely August 1. OnePlus has also promised Android 7.0 nougat for OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 2. UPDATE: Oxygen OS 3.5.5 & Oxygen OS 3.5.4 community build is now available for OnePlus 3. Download now! 

The Oxygen OS 3.5 community build will upgrade your device with new and improved OnePlus apps like clock, weather, and file manager. It also brings revamped UX with an enhanced camera software as well.  The settings have been updated with more customization features. Now, you need to remember that this is a community build. That means it is for beta testers who would like to run the new software from the manufacturer before the official launch and help the development team with feedback and bugs. So you must know that there are several bugs and issues with the software at this moment including Android Pay, some performance issues, UI issues, etc. You can check out the changelog and bugs report from below. Moreover, you should be on the latest official Oxygen OS 3.2.4 for OnePlus 3 before you proceed with the upgrade. So hit the download section below and proceed with the installation instructions.

Download Oxygen OS 3.5.0 update for OnePlus 3 Download Oxygen OS 3.5.0 update android 7.0 nougat

downlaod oxygen os 3.5.1 and later for oneplus 3

What’s new with Oxygen OS 3.5.5?

  • Added OnePlus FileDash functionality for convenient file transfers
  • Added ability to switch launcher layouts
  • Integration of Google Map to share locational information in messages.
  • Redesign of the phone calling UI
  • Added personalized ringtone information in contact details
  • Added ability to view the entire call history of the selected contact
  • Introduction of the OnePlus Community App
  • Increased system stability
  • General bug fixes

What’s new with Oxygen OS 3.5.4?

  • Added App Lock functionality
  • Fixed keyguard crashes when enabling sim card lock in multiple languages
  • Optimized accent colors in default themes
  • Optimized translations for certain languages
  • Improved the quality of expanded screenshots
  • Increased system stability
  • General bug fixes

These are just some features that the community build brings. More features will be update with the with newer builds. If you want to report issues/bugs, please fill up the form on this page and bug report from here.

Download Oxygen OS 3.5.5+ update for OnePlus 3

Signed full ROM zip file

This is the OTA and full firmware package unified:

  • Oxygen OS 3.5.5 full ROM file → Direct download  |
    File: (1.41 GB)
  • Oxygen OS 3.5.4 full ROM file → Direct download  |
    File: (1.3 GB)
  • Oxygen OS 3.5.3 full ROM file → Direct download  |
  • Oxygen OS 3.5.2 full ROM file→ Direct download  |
  • Oxygen OS 3.5.1 full ROM file→ Download |
    File: (1.34 GB)
  • Oxygen OS 3.5.0 full ROM file→ Download |
    File: (1.34 GB)

Oxygen OS 3.5.5+ OTA updates for OnePlus 3

Note: If you flash this community build, you’ll continue receiving the community over-the-air (OTA). However, you won’t receive the official ones. For that, you’ll need to manually flash (restore back to stock) back to the official builds to continue receiving official OTAs. Roll back to official Oxygen OS version may require you to wipe data, cache, etc.

  • Check out the above link (full rom file). It will do.

Official stable OnePlus 3 Oxygen OS 3.2.6

How to Install Oxygen OS 3.5.5 Community Build on OnePlus 3 via ADB sideload and stock recovery?

The following tutorial will let you flash the latest Oxygen OS 3.5.5+ community build onto your precious OnePlus 3 device. Before you proceed, make sure your device runs on previous community build OxygenOS 3.5.5. The following tutorial consists of 2 methods to install the ROM. One is via stock recovery and other via ADB sideload (OTA update).

For non-rooted devices: flash adb sideload

Flash the OTA using ADB sideload method. This is the manual method for installing the OTA zip file on most of the Android devices. For a tutorial, go to this page: How to install OTA updates on Android device using ADB sideload method?


1. Verify your device for compatibility. The listed firmware is compatible with OnePlus 3 device only.

2. Enable USB Debugging on your device. To do so, go to Settings>About Phone> Tap on the Build Number several times until you get a new Developer Options in the Settings. Open Developer Options and enable USB Debugging from there. Trust the connection by allowing it when you connect it to your PC for the first time.

3. Make sure you have latest device drivers setup on your PC for a better connection. Get it from the official page of your device manufacturer.

4. For ADB and Fastboot download the quick ADB and Fastboot Installer from here for Windows users and easily setup ADB and Fastboot on Mac OS, Linux or Chrome OS from here. You may also like Universal ADB drivers, Naked ADB drivers.

Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Download the OTA/Full ROM file for Android Watch. You don’t need to extract the file, just place the file on your PC where you can easily locate it.

Step 2: Make sure that you setup ADB and Fastboot on your PC. Trust the connection by checking “Always allow from this computer” when you plug in the Android device to your PC for the first time.

Step 3: Now keep the device plugged in and open a command prompt or terminal on your PC. To do so, hold the shift key on the keyboard and right-click on an empty space and select “Open command window here” option to launch a cmd window.

Step 4: Boot your Android device into the bootloader or Fastboot mode. To do so, issue the following command through cmd or terminal.

adb reboot bootloader

Note: To  check your connectivity, issue the command “adb devices” before the bootloader command.

Step 5: Now, navigate to the location where you have placed the OTA file on your PC. (You may rename the OTA file to a simple one, like While the folder with the file is open, flash the OTA by issuing the following command.) It is recommended you leave the name of OTA as it is and type the exact name with its proper extension.

adb sideload

Step 9: Here, is the name of the file. So use, adb sideload <file name>.zip Now the OTA will start installing.

Once the installation completes, you can now enjoy your new firmware. Alternatively, while, on Mac OS, you can issue “./adb sideload” command or on Linux type “sudo adb sideload” to flash the OTA. Take a look at the discussion from here and the source from here.

Flash OTA update via stock recovery

Download stock recovery for OnePlus 3 → Download | File: recovery.img

Simply grab the OTA and manually flash it using stock recovery. First, transfer the update file to internal storage, and then boot into the stock recovery. Now hit “apply updates from storage”. Select the update file and proceed with the installation. For a detailed tutorial on using stock recovery, head over to this tutorial: How to Install Oxygen OS OTA Update on OnePlus devices with Stock Recovery. Alternatively, follow this guide (Method one there): How to Install Oxygen OS OTA Update on OnePlus devices with Stock Recovery. This method may not work with every OnePlus device.

For rooted devices: flash via TWRP recovery

You may also try the and the TWRP recovery method. However, it has failed for some of the OnePlus 3 users. We will be updating the TWRP flashable full firmware file for the community build.

For those of you who have rooted and set up a custom TWRP recovery onto their OnPlus 3 device, can manually flash the Oxygen OS 3.5 full ROM file. For a full TWRP tutorial head over to this page: How to flash Oxygen OS update signed zip file using TWRP? Also, to root the newest Oxygen OS 3.5, flash the latest stable SuperSU 2.76 on Marshmallow and be sure to unlock the bootloader first.

Source: OnePlus, OnePlus Support

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