Download Official Oxygen OS 3.1.0 for OnePlus 2 OTA and Full Firmware Updates

The long awaited OnePlus 2 update is now available for download. OnePlus development team has now come up with the latest Oxygen OS 3.1.0 for the stunning OnePlus 2 device. This new OOS OTA brings some critical updates and bug fixes that users demanded. It fixes some notification issues, improved Doze Mode functionality, added media sound toggle at required places, and some general fixes here and there. Besides these, some of the most important features of the update are that the AOSP source, that has been updated to August 1, 2016, and the implementation of the Quadrooter patch. This is not much of a big update as compared to the previous Oxygen OS 3.0.2 that brought camera and performance improvements. However, OOS v3.1.0 still lacks the Volte support for the OnePlus 2.

Moreover, the OTA update is still based on Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow and not the latest Android 7.0 Nougat. This is because the manufacturer will first release a Nougat update for the OnePlus 3 and then move on to the OnePlus 2 and the OnePlus X. It is skeptical whether OnePlus One would actually receive Nougat update as it does not run on Oxygen OS officially. However, as things are going, we believe Cyanogen Inc. would definitely come up with the Cyanogen OS 14 for the OnePlus One and other directly supported devices. So head over to the download section below and download the latest Oxygen OS 3.1.0 OTA and full firmware (flashable full ROM zip) files for OnePlus 2. You may also like: CyanogenMod 14 based on Nougat for OnePlus devices.

What’s new with OOS 3.1.0 and firmware details:

 We’ve begun rolling out OxygenOS 3.1.0 for the OnePlus 2 today. Here’s what’s new in this update:

  • Fixed some notification issues
  • Improved Doze Mode performance
  • Added media sound toggle for alert slider
  • Addressed alert slider/silent mode issue
  • Implemented August 1 security patches for Android
  • Implemented Quadrooter patch
  • General bug fixes

This rollout will be incremental. We will do our best to get everyone covered as quickly as possible. Please give us your thoughts and feedback in the comments below!

Firmware details:

  • Firmware file:
  • MD5 : 9CFA9A2A4C7FADA6F9DB79EA660251D0
  • Checksum: SHA-1 5403C28A09A30AEC20C1CDEAA88D6449996DC849

Download official Oxygen OS 3.1.0 For OnePlus 2

Oxygen OS 3.1.0+ incremental OTA update for OnePlus 2

OnePlus 2 OTA updates mirror from official OnePlus support page:

Full Firmware File (Signed flashable zip file)

More OnePlus 2 tutorials:

Note: If you have flashed TWRP and rooted your device, then chances are you won’t receive OTA updates. You will have to wait for the signed flashable zip files. We will be updating the files as they are made available officially. Alternatively, you can manually flash (restore back to stock) back to the official builds to continue receiving official OTAs. Roll back to official Oxygen OS version may require you to wipe data, cache, etc.

How to Install Oxygen OS 3.1.0+ on OnePlus 2 via ADB sideload, stock recovery or TWRP?

The following tutorial will help you flash the latest Oxygen OS 3.1.0+ onto your rooted as well as non-rooted OnePlus 2 device. Before you proceed, make sure your device runs on previous official OxygenOS 3.0.2. The following tutorial consists of 2 methods to install the OTA update or full ROM. One is via stock recovery and other via custom TWRP recovery.

For non-rooted devices: flash OTA update via stock recovery

Download stock recovery for OnePlus 3 → Download | File: OP3_recovery.img

Simply grab the OTA and manually flash it using stock recovery. First, transfer the update file to internal storage, and then boot into the stock recovery. Now hit “apply updates from storage”. Select the update file and proceed with the installation. For a detailed tutorial on using stock recovery, head over to this tutorial: How to Install Oxygen OS OTA Update on OnePlus devices with Stock Recovery. Alternatively, follow this guide (Method one there): How to Install Oxygen OS OTA Update on OnePlus devices with Stock Recovery. This method may not work with every OnePlus device.

Secondly, if the above method fails then you have the option to flash the OTA using ADB sideload method. This is the manual method for installing the OTA zip file on most of the Android devices. For this method to work, you need to setup ADB and fastboot environment on your PC, connect your device via USB, and enter “adb sideload <filename>.zip” command via terminal or command prompt.  To install OTA update via ADB sideload, download the file from above and head over to this tutorial for detailed steps: How to install OTA updates on Android device using ADB sideload method?

For rooted devices: flash via TWRP recovery

For those of you who have rooted and set up a custom TWRP recovery onto their OnPlus 2 device, can manually flash the Oxygen OS 3.1.0 signed flashable full ROM zip file. For a full TWRP tutorial head over to this page: How to flash Oxygen OS update signed zip file using TWRP? 

How to root Oxygen OS 3.1.0 on OnePus 2?

To root the newest Oxygen OS 3.1.0 on OnePlus 2, flash the latest stable SuperSU 2.76 on Marshmallow and be sure to unlock the bootloader first.Like, share, and follow Android Sage on social media. For queries, comment down below.

Source: OnePlus Forums, OnePlus Support

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