OnePlus 3 and 3T Oxygen OS 4.0.2 [Download OTA and Full ROM]

OnePlus 3 and 3T Oxygen OS 4.0.2 OTA and full firmware downloads

The OnePlus development team will be releasing yet another update to the OnePlus 3 and the 3T’s official firmware – Oxygen OS 4.0.1. This will take the two devices to the software version Oxygen OS 4.0.2 with the same Android 7.0 Nougat OS. Moreover, the update will be released as soon as next week. This is great news for all the OnePlus 3 and the 3T users as well as the firmware updates go parallel to each other. Earlier, the Italian OnePlus twitter account quoted –

Download OnePlus 3 and 3T Oxygen OS 4.0.2

Here is a transcript for the same-

abbiamo stoppato la distribuzione della 4.0.1
la 4.0.2, se non ci saranno intoppi arriverà anche in Ita settimana prossima.

Translation- We have blocked the roll-out of 4.0.1 due to some annoying bugs. Will drop 4.0.2 by next week.

Update: Download links are now live. Check out our newest posts.

The update shall be released early next week so stay tuned for the latest OTA and full firmware files. We will update it here as soon they are available. The OnePlus personnel also quoted that there is no rushing the Oneplus updates, and that users should be patient about it, as rushing things will only lead to more bugs. This in turn leads to more minor updates to fix the previous ones. The Oxygen OS 4.0.1 comes with some bugs as reported by the OnePlus team. Hence, OnePlus has abandoned the OTA update link.

Earlier this month, OnePlus released the stable version of the Android 7.0 Nougat firmware based on Oxygen OS 4.0.1 and also the first Oxygen OS 4.0 build. Alternatively, you can also install the OnePlus 3 and 3T Open Beta version with latest Oxygen OS updates.


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