Download Oxygen OS 5.0.3 for OnePlus 3 and 3T OTA and Full ROM [How to Install]

Download Oxygen OS 4.0.3 for OnePlus 3 and 3T OTA and Full ROM how to install

Update: OxygenOS 5.0.3 is now available for download for OnePlus 3/3T. The break is over and the OnePlus development team is back to work. The very first thing the development team has deployed is the Oxygen OS 4.0.3 OTA update for the OnePlus 3 and the OnePlus 3T. The new Oxygen OS 4.0.3 is a huge update with some highly demanding bug fixes and stability improvements. OnePlus users were unhappy about the Nougat update and the firmware being too heavy on RAM and battery life. However, that is in the past now and with Oxygen OS 4.0.3, the WiFi has been optimized, increased camera app stability and RAM consumption have been decreased significantly.

The Oxygen OS 4.0.3 also optimizes the exposure while taking photos at night, some Audio parameters improvements, updates APN settings, and the brand new Amazon Prime app pre-installed. It is not known whether the update holds the latest February 2017 or the January 2017 security patch level. This also means the Open Beta 12 is on the way – an update over Open Beta 11. So stay tuned.

What’s new with the OnePlus 3 and 3T OxygenOS 5.0.3 incremental OTA?

OxygenOS 5.0.3 for OnePlus 3/3T is an official incremental OTA rolling out in some parts of Europe and Asia. Check it out in the download section below.

Oxygen OS 4.0.3 changelog:

  • Added Wi-Fi IPv6 Support toggle
  • Optimized Smart Wi-Fi Switcher, if turned on, device will switch to data connection if Wi-Fi signal is consistently poor
  • Fixed crashes for Line
  • Increased stability of the Camera app
  • Optimized exposure when taking night time photos
  • Updated Audio Parameters and improved the quality of audio recordings
  • Updated APN settings for select carriers
  • Amazon Prime App will be pre-installed for India Users
  • Still based on the Android 7.0 Nougat

However, there are still some known issues with the Oxygen OS 4.0.2 and here is how to fix them.

How to fix Wi-Fi disconnections in OOS 4.0.3 on OnePlus 3/3T?

  • If you experience frequent WiFi disconnections, please go to Settings > Wi-Fi > Configure WiFi (Top right hand corner) > Scroll to bottom of the page and check the IP address format (IPv4 = Single line, IPv6 = Multiple lines)> If the IP address is IPv6 based, then turn off the IPv6 Support toggle and see if the disconnections stop.
  • If you experience frequent WiFi disconnections due to switches between WiFi and data, please try turning off the Smart Wi-Fi Switcher at Settings > Wi-Fi > Configure WiFi and see if the disconnection stops.

Download OxygenOS 5.0.3 for OnePlus 3 and 3T

We captured the OTA links for OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. We have received the OTA and full firmware files. So stay tuned.

OTA and full signed firmware updates-

How to Install OxygenOS 5.0.3 onto OnePlus 3/3T?

Use VPN to get the OTA notification for the latest Oxygen OS 5.0.2 update. Download the Opera VPN and change your device location to other countries like Germany or Canada where the OTA is currently live and then check for updates. See a full tutorial on how to use Opera VPN for OTA downloads. Alternatively, simply download the OTA capture from above which are incremental OTA from Oxygen OS 5.0.1 to Oxygen OS 5.0.2.

The full ROM zip file can be flashed via TWRP recovery or using the very new Local Upgrade Android app method for the OnePlus 3/3T. The APK file will help you switch in between Oxygen OS 5.0.3, Open Beta, and Hydrogen OS without root or TWRP. You may also like our previous tutorials on OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T – how to install OTA updates. How to root OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T.

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