How to restore IMEI on Xiaomi devices?

This article relates to Xiaomi smartphone users who have been facing missing IMEI on one of their SIM cards. Here, we will be showing you how to fix IMEI problems and even restore it on your Xiaomi device. This method has been tested on the Xiaomi Note 3 Pro and Kenzo with MTK processors. It has also been tested working on other MediaTek MT6795 processors from Xiaomi.
If you are a Xiaomi user and facing IMEI problems on your device, then the MediaTek SN Writer is the tool you need. It is a PC application and it will restore the IMEI problem on Xiaomi by pushing the IMEI number onto the MIUI firmware. Most of the time, this problem occurs when you upgrade or downgrade your MIUI version. This also leads to network problem on your device because of invalid IMEI.
One thing you need to keep handy is the IMEI number of both the SIM cards located on the box or the bill of your mobile phone. The guide should work with most of the Xiaomi devices and has been tested with the Xiaomi Note 3 MTK processor variant.
How to restore IMEI on Xiaomi devices
- Download the Custom MediaTek SN Writer standalone software for Windows PC.
- Now turn off Xiaomi device by pressing and holding UP Volume + DOWN Volume + POWER Button and disconnect it from PC.
- Also keep the two IMEI numbers hands for your Xiaomi devices listed on box or bill.
- Now run the MediaTek SN Writer program which you have downloaded. As soon as you run the program, it will start downloading the required drivers. Follow all the instruction which are appearing on the screen.
- Once installed, open ‘System Config‘ and under IMEI option and check the box ‘Dual IMEI Same’ only if both IMEI are same (located on sticker at mobile box). Otherwise, simply click the ‘Save‘ button to continue.
- Click save button to continue.
- Click on start button and enter both IMEI 1 and IMEI 2. (you can get the IMEI number from the box of Xiaomi device).
- Click the ‘Ok’ button.
- Now connect your device to PC via USB cable (make sure it is turned off).
- Do not disconnect the device until you don’t see a Green Message Popup.
- Once the process gets done, reboot your device.
- Done !
If you having any issues regarding this feel very free to ask them in a comments section.