4 awesome Samsung Galaxy S8 (Plus) themes for Xiaomi on stock MIUI firmware [Downloads]

Download 3 awesome Samsung Galaxy S8 (Plus) themes for Xiaomi on stock MIUI firmware

Samsung Galaxy S8 Themes are now available for Xiaomi devices running stock MIUI firmware. The following post contains 3 sets of Galaxy S8 Plus themes for all Xiaomi phones. Even though the theme can be found on the MIUI theme store, here are downloadable S8 themes that can be installed directly. Moreover, there are extra theme packages available in the download section. The themes will enable users to taste and feel S8 experience on MIUI.

Samsung’s flagship – Galaxy S8 is the most talked about phone in 2017. Especially for its Infinity display and the Dream UX that comes as stock. Below are the Galaxy S8 Light, S8 Dark, Galaxy S8 Purple, and the black themes. MIUI ROMS come with a built-in theming engine that can be customized as you want. Xiaomi design team has made these themes available for all.

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Plus) themes for Xiaomi on stock MIUI firmware [Downloads]

The S8 DreamUX theme for MIUI 8 features:

  • This theme is packed with HD S8 icons resolution.
  • Lock screen with clock widget.
  • Wallpaper from the S8.
  • New layout with more toggles.
  • Music Control.
  • Weather, Clock, and Calendar widgets.
  • Added S8 Navigation Bar Style.

 Galaxy S8 theme screenshots:

Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots1 Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots8 Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots6 Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots4 Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots3 Samsung galaxy S8 plus theme for Xiaomi devices on MIUI screenshots2

Download Samsung Galaxy S8 (Plus) themes for all Xiaomi phones

1.Galaxy S8 available from global theme store

2.Galaxy S8 Purple theme | Download 

3.S8 DreamUX theme | Download

How To Install These Themes On Your Xiaomi Smartphone?

If your phone is running on stock MIUI firmware, then you can simply open the Themes App and search for the global S8 theme. However, in order to install the other themes, which are not available on the theme store, can simply download the MTZ themes from above and install it directly. Just put it in internal storage under the themes folder and open the themes section from Settings. This is how you turn your Xiaomi phone into a Samsung Galaxy S8.

Thanks to: syam.ramly, alghaisan, iakwbos

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