How to root OnePlus 5? | Unlock Bootloader & TWRP setup included

How to root OnePlus 5 Unlock Bootloader & flash TWRP

OnePlus 5 is the latest smartphone in town and yet another budget phone from 1+ with high-end specifications. The flagship runs on Snapdragon 835 Octa-core processor, powered by Adreno 540 GPU, and whopping 8GB of RAM. To support this stunning hardware, the manufacturer released Oxygen OS 4.5.1 for the OnePlus 5  based on latest Android 7.1.1 Nougat OS. In this tutorial, we will show you how to gain root access on OnePlus 5. The tutorial also involves how to unlock the bootloader, setup TWRP recovery on your Android and root the device.

Why root OnePlus 5? This is the question you should ask yourself. If you don’t know what root for Android is, then you probably shouldn’t root OnePlus 5 at this point. You can, however, gain enough information about root by doing a simple Google search. As for the basics, the very first thing you need to do is unlock the bootloader on your OnePlus phone. Then flash a custom TWRP recovery, and ultimately flash SuperSU or Magisk for root. Don’t worry, we have covered all the steps.

Download root files for OnePlus 5

Update: OnePlus 5 official TWRP 3.1.1+ now available for download along with Oxygen OS 4.5.1 OTA zip and Hydrogen OS (H2OS) full firmware package.

Note: Neither official nor the unofficial TWRP recovery is available for the OnePlus 5 just yet. Hence, you may not gain root access at this particular point. OnePlus released kernel sources and the development will start soon. Once TWRP for OnePlus 5 is available, you can root it. Until then, you can unlock the bootloader at best.

  • OnePlus 5 TWRP recovery | Download | Mirror| File available
  • Latest SuperSU | Download | Flash for root access
  • Magisk | Download link | Alternative root method
  • Latest OnePlus drivers | Connect device to PC and install drivers

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How to Unlock Bootloader on Oneplus 5?

In order to get started with the advanced development, the very first thing you need to do is unlock the bootloader. Don’t confuse bootloader unlock with sim/carrier unlock. They both serve a different purpose. Different Android devices have different unlock procedure. Fortunately, on newer Android phones, the procedure has become very simple.

Did you know? Unlocking the bootloader on any OnePlus smartphone won’t void the warranty? A secure Bootloader means that you haven’t tinkered with your Android and tells the manufacturer that any damage caused to the phone is still in warranty. Usually, once you unlock the bootloader, whatever happens to your phone is your responsibility. But OnePlus supports the development and rooting your device won’t void the manufacturer warranty. However, you should be careful at every step.

Note that unlocking the bootloader will factory reset your phone. So make sure you backup SD Card, photos, apps, media, etc.


Unlock Bootloader instructions for OnePlus 5

Step 1: Download the TWRP recovery for your Oneplus 5 device once available with .img extension. Transfer the file to PC where ADB is setup.

Step 2: Go through the prerequisites from above. Now, connect OnePlus 5 to PC. Trust the connection by checking “Always allow from this computer” when you plug in the Android device to your PC for the first time.

Step 3: Now keep the device plugged in and open a command prompt or terminal window. Simply click on the address/location bar in Windows and type “cmd”. The alternate method here. Check for connection by issuing the following command:

adb devices

Step 4: Reboot 1+5 device into the bootloader or Fastboot mode. To do so, issue the following command through cmd or terminal. You can also manually reboot into bootloader by using button combination like Power+Volume Down while the device is turned off. Meanwhile, use code:

adb reboot bootloader

Step 5: Issue the following command in terminal check your device connectivity

fastboot devices

Step 6: Issue the following command in terminal to unlock the bootloader. (This will reset your device and you will lose all data and apps.)

fastboot oem unlock

OnePlus 5 Unlock Bootloader instructions OnePlus 5 Unlock Bootloader instructions

Step 7: Now reboot your device once back into the Bootloader. See step 4.

Step 8: Go to the location of TWRP image file on PC. Open the command window or terminal there. See step 5. Rename the recovery file to recovery.img.

Step 9: Now flash the recovery image. Issue the following command for that.

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

Step 10: Reboot into recovery and take a full Nandroid backup.

How to unlock the bootloader using Linux and Macbook?

You can also unlock the bootloader on OnePlus 5 and flash a TWRP recovery using Mac or Linux machine. The procedure is the same just the code is different.

On Mac OS:

You can issue commands like

./fastboot oem unlock

./fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

On Linux:

Use command like

sudo fastboot oem unlock

sudo fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

For detailed tutorial and alternate methods to flash the TWRP recovery, click here.

How to Root OnePlus 5?

Now that we have unlocked the bootloader and flashed TWRP recovery, it’s time to finally root the device. There are actually two methods. One is the conventional SuperSU developed by Chainfire, and second is the Magisk Manager. You can know all about the Magisk from here.

Rooting instructions:

  • Download proper file. Either SuperSU or Magisk.
  • Place the latest root package into device’s internal storage.
  • Reboot your device into the custom TWRP recovery and tap install. For that, see step 4 above.
  • Once into TWRP, tap on install option.
  • Select the SuperSU or Magisk zip file.
  • Swipe the confirmation action below to start flashing.
  • Once done, reboot to system.

You can completely unroot OnePlus 5 using this tutorial. Follow and like us on social media. For queries either comment down below.

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