TWRP for OnePlus 5 now available for download

download twrp for oneplus 5 english language

Update – The official stable TWRP v3.1.1 now available for download for Oneplus 5 international or global variants as well. OnePlus 5 development has started and there is already a tutorial on how to unlock bootloader, flash a TWRP, and root the device using a SuperSU 2.82 zip or Magisk Manager. We already have the rooting tutorial for you. The only thing missing was the official TWRP recovery. However, now the problem is solved as the TWRP is now available for the OnePlus 5. There is only one twist, the default language is Chinese as the custom recovery is developed for the Chinese variant or 1+5. Fortunately, you can change the language from Settings option in there.

The official global TWRP recovery is under testing. So if you are growing impatient, then you can try the TWRP listed below at your own risk. Just follow our detailed tutorial on how to install TWRP on OnePlus 5 from here. Although these procedures have been tested on other devices, we won’t be liable for any damage to your device.

Download OnePlus 5 TWRP recovery

OnePlus 5 TWRP default Chinese language | Download | Mirror (Mega)

OnePlus 5 TWRP global/international variants stable

Here is our TWRP recovery download repository.

Black Domain APK, Brevent restore, Brevent patch

The TWRP v3.1.1-0 is the latest for all the devices. Rooting OnePlus 5 can be done in two ways. One is flashing a SuperSU which is more of a conventional method. Whereas, Magisk Manager has become quite popular lately due to many of its modules and much more.

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How to change language in TWRP recovery?

  • Reboot into TWRP recovery.

TWRP recovery for oneplus 5 download


  • Tap on Settings. It is the 6th option counting from top (left to right).

twrp for oneplus 5 english language Screenshot_2017-06-24-00-45-48

  • Select the last tab with a globe icon.
  • Choose English language.
  • Set the language.

how to set language in twrp recovery

This is the final step root successful by flashing SuperSU.

root oneplus 5 chinese variant

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