[Download] ElementalX kernel supports Android Oreo for OnePlus 3/3T/5/5T


Update: ElementalX Kernel now supports Android 8.0 Oreo on official OxygenOS, HydrogenOS, Open Beta, etc. on OnePlus 3, 3T, 5, 5T. ElementalX Kernel now available for most of the Android devices. Any Android fan worth his salt will tell you the significance of a lively development community and how it can make or break a company’s reputation. With many companies failing to release their device trees and kernel sources on time or at all, OnePlus is now being called ‘the next Nexus’ and with good reason too.

The company recently released Developer Resources for its latest flagship- the OnePlus 5, and already has TWRP recovery and root available for the device. People always tend to flock to developer-friendly devices and the latest inclusion in OnePlus 5’s arsenal, the ElementalX Kernel, further cements its position as a custom development oriented device.

For the Uninitiated, ElementalX is a custom kernel developed by XDA member flar2 that provides stability and optimizes your device at a core level and adds various other features to it. It must be noted that ElementalX requires its users to gain root access and install custom recovery beforehand.

Features Of ElementalX Kernel

Besides the obvious battery and speed optimizations over stock ROM, ElementalX Kernel V1.00 contains various other features that are mentioned below:

  • Easy installation and setup with Aroma installer
  • Wake Gestures support (sweep2wake & doubletap2wake)
  • Advanced color control
  • Sweep2sleep
  • Backlight dimmer
  • Underclock CPU
  • Adjust or disable vibration
  • FIOPS, CFQ, deadline, noop and SIO i/o schedulers
  • NTFS r/w support
  • Option to disable fsync
  • performance and power optimizations
  • Does not force encryption
  • Compatible with systemless root
  • Dash Charge support

While most of the features mentioned above may seem ordinary at first glance, the kernel’s compatibility with system less root like SuperSU and Magisk, along with Dash Charge capability are a must have if you are one of those device tinkerers.

Head over to the official XDA thread to know more about ElementalX and download it for your OnePlus 5.

Download latest ElementalX Kernel for all OnePlus devices

The latest ElementalX Kernel for OnePlus devices  now supports the latest Oxygen OS or Hydrogen OS based on Android 8.0 Oreo.

OnePlus 5

OnePlus 3/3T

OnePlus 5T | Coming soon

Download ElementalX Kernel for all Android devices

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