[7.1.2] Download LineageOS 14.1 for Samsung Galaxy J7 (SM-J700P)

Galaxy J7 LineageOS
Image Credits- XDA

The Samsung Galaxy J7 is unlike any other Samsung mid-ranger in the market. What truly sets the device apart is the amount of support it still receives from the XDA community. Thanks to XDA member minz1, the device now supports LineageOS 14.1 [7.1.2]

A word of caution- As of now, the ROM only supports the Snapdragon variant of the Galaxy J7 (SM-J700P), while support for the Exynos and dual-sim variants may very well be on the way, readers are advised to exercise caution and identify their device model before flashing the ROM on their device.

Download and Install LineageOS 14.1 for Samsung Galaxy J7 (SM-J700P)

Users can follow the links given below to download the required files for flashing LineageOS 14.1 on their device


Note: Kindly ensure you’re running the J700PVPS1AQD1 firmware for the Galaxy J7. You can download it from here and flash it via Odin.

Steps to install LineageOS 14.1 for  Samsung Galaxy J7 (SM-J700P)

Galaxy J7 LineageOS Build

  1. Download the desired 7.1.2 Nougat ROM mentioned above.
  2. If you wish to root your device, download Lineage SU from the prerequisite section.
  3. Download GApps for Android 7.1.2 (Micro and Nano variants are recommended)
  4. Transfer all your files to the root of your internal storage.
  5. Now, reboot Galaxy J7 (SM-J700P) device into TWRP recovery.
  6. Select Backup and perform a full Nandroid backup of previous ROM.
  7. Tap on Wipe and format partitions including Cache, Dalvik-Cache, Data, System.
  8. Tap on Install and select the ROM from storage. Swipe to install ROM.
  9.  Install Gapps in a similar manner.
  10. (Optional) For Rooting Lineage OS 14.1 on SM-J700P, flash Lineage SU zip file
  11. Wipe the cache and reboot your device.

Note: The current ROM is still in alpha and may not be stable. One known bug in the ROM being include In-Call Audio issues. It is recommended to wait for a stable build if you use this device as a daily driver.


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