[Download] Magisk V13.3 and Magisk Manager V5.1.0 now available for Google Pixel XL

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Although the Magisk builds are universal, there is always a possibility of the builds causing compatibility and installation issues with a small set of devices. To negate such problems for the Pixel XL, unofficial builds for Magisk by XDA member goodwin_c are available for download and have been updated to the latest Magisk V13.3 build.

Google is closing down on Magisk with new SafetyNet checks which were put in place a few days ago. However, the latest Magisk version 13.3 along with an updated Magisk Manager V5.1.1 restore SafetyNet on your device. With Magisk being one of the vastly utilized root gaining method hands down on Android Nougat and above, XDA member topjohnwu has promised to keep supporting Magisk come hell or high water.

Magisk V13.3 and Magisk Manager V5.1.0 Changelog

  • Magisk V13.3

[MagiskHide] Update to bypass Google CTS (2017.7.17)
[resetprop] Properly support removing persist props
[uninstaller] Remove Magisk Manager and persist props

  • Magisk Manager V5.1.0

Introduce a new flash log activity, so you know what is actually happening, just like flashing in custom recoveries!
Rewritten Java native shall interface: merged root shell and normal shell
Cleaned up implementation of repo recyclerview and adapters

Download Magisk V13.3 and Magisk Manager V5.1.0 for Pixel XL

Since these builds are specifically made keeping Pixel XL in mind, we recommend readers not to flash them on any other device. Needless to say, these are unofficial builds and are not supported by topjohnwu.

Note: The latest update for the Magisk Manager is V5.1.1 which brings in fixes related to app freezing and force closing has not been included because it hasn’t been released for Pixel XL oriented build as of yet. The post will be updated when goodwin_c releases the latest manager. Interested

Interested readers who wish to update their devices to the latest Magisk zip and Manager version can head over to our parent page for Magisk. All the latest downloads along with step by step installation processes are listed there.

Source: XDA

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