[How To] Disable ads on Motorola Carrier Locked Bootloaders with Tethered Jailbreak using Magisk

Motorola Moto G Turbo Edition
Image Credits- CNET

Devices sold by Carriers and on Amazon market at discounted prices generally have a Locked Bootloader with advertisements and bloatware that help in driving down the costs. Although the practice sounds good in theory, users have often complained experiencing full-screen intrusive ads on the lock screen and are often unable to do anything in this regard.

Fortunately, XDA member autoprime has come out with a method to disable advertisements and perform various other functions via Tethered Jailbreak method using Magisk.

The method is currently available for four devices, namely the Moto G4 (XT1625), Moto G Play (XT1609) Moto G4 Play (XT1607), and Moto Droid Turbo (XT1254)

For the uninitiated, a Tethered Jailbreak method implies that prior to every boot, you would need to connect your device to your system and run the corresponding software to reboot your device.

Unlike untethered jailbreak, which patches your device automatically without the help of a system, if you boot up your device without patching it with the help of your computer, your device will enter into a bootloop.

Tethered Jailbreak Features

  • Uses double-click to install
  • Runs on Windows, MAC or Linux
  • Disables OTA updates preventing restoration of bloatware
  • Disables Amazon ads
  • Protects against auto bootloop
  • Capable of Systemless root and mods with Magisk



Instructions For First Time Installation

These instructions are for the installation of the module only. Instructions for each boot will be mentioned below:

  1. Download and run auto#initroot on your system
  2. On your device, go to Settings > Security and check Unknown Sources
  3. Install Magisk Manager APK on your device
  4. Connect your Moto device to computer and boot into Fastboot Mode
  5. Enter the following commands:
    adb reboot bootloader
  6. Run the auto#initroot script
  7. Reboot to system

Instructions Preceding Every Boot

  1. Connect device to PC
  2. Enter Bootloader Mode
  3. Run the following files
    auto#initroot bat file (Windows)
    Set *.sh to execute on double-click or make *.desktop file (Linux)
    Open auto#initroot command file

Note: The above set of instructions needs to be run before every boot. To update your device, you need to download the full firmware of your variant and repeat the process all over again. Do not use OTA to update, this may hard brick your handset.

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