[Download] Custom Animations and Themes Now Available For LG and Oneplus Devices

LG V20 and OnePlus 3

Time and again android users have been asked why is rooting your device important, after all, most of the features have been incorporated into latest Android Nougat and Android O updates anyways. Google further has been passively discouraging the use of root through its Safety Net implementation albeit the company claims to use it for transaction and identity protection.

What most people fail to understand is that the open source environment is what made Android popular. The ability to customize your liking, add or remove applications you may or may not use or simply to increase the internal memory or battery life of your devices, root has served all these purposes over these years and will continue to serve them.

PA Boot Image

Talking about features, one of them is the ability to change system animations. While system animations are one of the underappreciated aspects of the OS, a smooth transition can change your entire outlook about a device. Although stock ROMs don’t offer many options to change your system animations, XDA member stangdriver44 has provided us with custom animations for LG and OnePlus devices.

The animations, named One Zip One Place (oZoP) Mods, are packaged in a recovery flashable AROMA installer based zip file and include various animations like iOS, FlymeOS, Google Pixel, and MIUI based. The animations are adjustable with full support for popups, dialogues, navigation and much more. The custom animations currently support LG V10, LG V20, OnePlus 3, and OnePlus 3T with support for Samsung Galaxy S8 and Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus to be added shortly.

Download Custom Animations and Themes For Your Device

  • Custom Animations and Themes for LG V10 | Download
  • Custom Animation and Themes for LG V20 | Download
  • Custom Animation and Themes for OnePlus 3 | Download
  • Custom Animation and Themes for OnePlus 3T | Download

Source: XDA

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