How to promote your Android app for free?

How to promote your Android app for free- get to Top Charts - Android Apps on Google Play

As a developer, promoting your newest project can be a very tiring process. Especially if you are on a budget. Many app companies pay for Google Adwords. However, the trick works for big companies like Amazon, Ebay, Facebook and not for a small time developer. These companies pay thousands of dollars every day to Google Adwords for gain more users to use their apps. If you take a look at the advertisements on our website, you will know what we are talking about. This is one of the paid methods to promote an Android app.

However, for an independent freelance App developer, money is the problem. Here are some free promoting tips for Android apps.

Promote Android App on free online directories like WorkApp

WorkApp, as we have already mentioned earlier, is a multi-purpose Android application. Using WorkApp, you can create a listing of your Android app or business. You can basically create a blog post describing all the many features of your app. You can put links and target a certain audience in specific country as well

It is kind of an advertisement platform which is completely free. Check out the Business profile of AndroidSage website. You can simply login using Facebook and start promoting stuff.

The best part is WorkApp also has an Android app. So you can easily create a business profile right from your phone.

Following are some awesome tips to promote Android app for free:

Submit a listing or review of your app on AndroidSage

Yes, we sometimes do promote Android apps. However, we don’t charge for it. We are passionate about everything related to Android; be it a Custom ROM, Android app, development. We admire the hard work of developers and the awesome app they bring to our devices.

So if you have developed a new app, then write a detailed review. If you think a review could be biased as it comes from you, then you can simply write a detailed post describing all the features of your App.

Once you submit your article, contact us and we shall review it and later publish it doing some necessary changes.

Similarly, you can ask other such websites for the same.

What’s in it for us?

Its not about the gains. We have published our 1000th post this week. So there’s no loss in giving the awesome Android community something in return; which has done so much for us.

Answer questions related to your Android app on Quora or Reddit

Quora is a an awesome place to ask questions and get solutions from expertise. Start answering questions related to your Android app. As you know much about it, it will certainly help others and gain followers. Remember, you need a strategy. Give relevant questions and do not spam! Because that’s just wrong. Reddit is a similar place to do the same.

In short, start writing about your app to let people know your app exists.

Submit your Android app to all the App stores

App stores like Google Play, Amazon app store, Apple store, etc. play a vital role in promoting your Android app. Once you get recognized on a single platform, your app will soon reach the trending chart.

Sign up for Google Play as a developer and submit your app from here.

Apart from submitting the Google Play Store, there are many other online app repositories for you.

Here is a list of App stores for you may like:

Submit Android app on F-Droid

F-Froid is a free online directory for apps. You can submit your app there with ease.

See how to Submit Android app on F-Droid from here.

Submit app on XDA Labs

XDA-Labs is another service from the popular XDA-Developers forums. It is similar to F-Droid and you can submit your app easily. Submit app on XDA-Labs from here.

Submit Android app on Amazon Store

This is another cool Go to this link and create your Amazon developer account. Once done, submit your app using this link. You will need to fill in the details. The app will be reviewed and published on the Amazon Store.

Submit on Aptoide

Aptoide is similar app platform. You can also create your own store and categorize similar apps into one. You can also share your store with anyone and get followers.

Make YouTube videos

YouTube is an awesome platform for promoting anything. Make a tutorial explaining various features about your app. Show the world what you have created.

Make your Android app open source

Recently, the App developer of the renowned Shuttle Music Player made it open source. This helps other app developers and opens new opportunities for the same. It is also a self promoting technique. You can find the full source code of Shuttle on Gitthub. The best example of open source is Android OS itself.

Now this may not be a very viable option for every one. You have to be very careful about this decision. Because once you make your app open source, anyone can use the sources and build an app. This is just an idea though. Not many developers like to make their source code open source. But if you can still try.

Make a great app

Of course, if you have a great app idea, then you don’t have to worry about anything. Simply deploy your app on Google Play Store and let it sink in. Let people review. Soon after a few positive reviews your app will soon show up in recommendations and front page of the Play Store.

Most importantly, listen to your users. What they want and what bugs they come across. Fix them and try to gain positive reviews.

Reviews are important!

Getting positive reviews is very important. Many simply skip installing an app if they find a below average rating. Potential users may search for better alternatives if they find some bad reviews. If your app has a good rating, certainly many people will at least try it once.

That’s it. If you know any better ideas then please comment down below.

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