Latest Google Camera APK with HDR+ Technology [APK Download]

Google Camera with HDR+

Update: Latest version of Google Camera HDR+ Port is being updated with Zero Shutter Lag. This also supports many more Android phones and fixes major bugs. With the gradual rise of Android devices, we saw an ever-evolving picture of notable features like Maps, Camera, Cloud storage etc. to name a few. And speaking of which smartphone camera has come a long way and evolved technically.Now we see HD Camera features available all around from low-range to high ranged smartphones.Thanks to Google, for its user-friendly approach, smartphone camera technology got few steps ahead.Now Google has let out the Google Camera App in a more enhanced avatar with HDR+ technology.Yes, Google Camera with HDR+ guarantees great picture quality and easier user interface. In a more simpler sense, you can click amazing photos without the need to have deep knowledge of photography/editing RAW images.

And now with the modified version(v 4.4) of the App, you can make Google Camera with HDR+ to work on any smart device with the Hexagon 680 ISP. And it is found on the Snapdragon 820, 821, and 835 SoCs variants. As per its Ukranian based modifier it’s a Beta version.And he is still into how to enhance the camera quality even further.

Devices That Support Google Camera with HDR+ v4.4

The said developer who modified the Google Camera with HDR+, claims he successfully tested the APK. And Google Camera with HDR+ supports the following devices.

  • One Plus 3
  • LG G6
  • One Plus 3T
  • Samsung Galaxy S8
  • One Plus 5

Performance of Google Camera with HDR+

The modified version of Google Camera App with HDR+ v4.4 seems to sync seamlessly with the HDR+ technology by Google. And it sure manages to capture and process photos into the best picture quality possible.

See these images captured using Google Camera App with HDR+ for yourself.

Before and After Using of Google Camera with HDR+ On Smartphone

Before using Google Camera APK with HDR+

flower beforeheadfone beforeacro before

After using Google Camera APK with HDR+

flower afterheadfone afteracro after

Absolutely stunning isn’t it..?!

Therefore, with the assurance by its developer to make it even more enhanced, we can only expect some super HD quality photos from further modified versions of Google Camera with HDR+.

And now don’t wait anymore.Go grab the APK and click/process HD quality photos.

Download The Latest Google Camera with HDR+ Apk

Download latest Google Camera with HDR+ and ZSL.

Download B-S-G’s Google Camera v4.4 Mod with HDR+ and ZSL

Download Google Camera HDR+ v4.4 apk

Just simply follow the link to download the APK to your device and install it.

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