Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5 [Install AOSP 8.0.0 ROM]

Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5

Android 8.0 Oreo is currently the talk of the Android town. Everyone wants a little bite of the Oreo for their devices. But as of now, it’s only a few days since Android 8.0 Oreo has been rolled as public. And currently, only Nexus and Pixel devices have availed the 8.0 Oreo OS updates. But with the increasing demand, it seems the custom ROM developers were busy creating custom builds for the different devices. Yes, you are guessing it right. The developers have now dropped the AOSP ROM based on Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5.

And as of now, it is out only for Alpha testing. According to the developer’s own words, He has released it just for people to have a taste of the OS and people should use it at their own risk. Wifi works perfectly fine according to its developer. And other features do not work currently.

How to Download and Install AOSP Based Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5?

Let’s take a look at what we need to download along with the custom ROM and the steps to install the AOSP Based Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5.

Download Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5:

Steps To Install AOSP based Android 8.0 Oreo for Nexus 5

Step-1 Make sure the Bootloader on your Nexus 5 is Unlocked.

Step-2 Positively flash the latest TWRP recovery for Nexus 5.

Step-3 Download the AOSP ROM for Nexus, Gapps, Magisk for your device. (from above links)

Step-4 Transfer the files to your Nexus device internal storage.

Step-5 Then reboot into TWRP recovery.

Step-6 And then take a full Nandroid Backup to save data from getting erased.

Step-7 Perform a full wipe. This means wipe data, cache, etc from the recovery.

Step-8  Most important step– Reboot into recovery once after wiping data, cache etc.

Step-9 After you have done the reboot, simply flash the AOSP 8.0 ROM zip.

Step-10 Flash Magisk 13.6 zip.

Step-11 Flash Gapps zip. It will take some time.The recovery will reboot itself.

Step-12 And finally after reboot, simply reboot to system.


  • The first booting will take around 10 to 15 minutes or more.So have patience and wait a while the process completes.
  • Skip the first setup wizard as the keyboard may crash.
  • Go to Google Play and install a new keyboard app.
  • Later, go to settings and add Google account from there.


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