Android 8.0 Oreo for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 available via AOSP ROM Port [kenzo/kate]

Redmi Note 3 Android 8.0 Oreo for Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 AOSP ROM Port [kenzokate]

Redmi Note 3 was once the most popular Android device from Xiaomi. It still is with a large user base developed over the years. With these many using the phone, comes developers, contributors, themers, and much more. We have already seen MIUI 9 ROM port for the stunning Xiaomi devices. Now, following the official Android 8.0 Oreo launch, Redmi Note 3 has received yet another ROM port. This time its the latest AOSP 8.0 ROM for the Redmi Note 3 based on Android 8.0.0 Oreo.

The ROM is an unofficial build and comes as a custom ROM, just like the MIUI 9 ROM port we posted earlier. This makes Note 3 among the first few devices to receive Oreo. Even though the AOSP ROM is a first build for the device, a majority of things are working. This includes WiFi, RIL, Mobile Data, GPS, Camera, Bluetooth, Sound, vibration, Fingerprint sensor, and much more.

There are still critical functionalities which are not working at the moment including the Hotspot tethering, USB tether, and VoLTE. Don’t get disappointed due to VoLTE not working. With further builds, you may see more additions and bug fixes to the ROM.

Whats working, you say?

  • Wifi
  • RIL
  • Mobile data
  • GPS
  • Camera
  • Flashlight
  • Camcorder
  • Bluetooth (buggy sometimes)
  • FMRadio (buggy sometimes)
  • Fingerprint (FPC tested, goodix not tested)
  • Sound / vibration
  • IR

Whats not?

  • Hotspot
  • USB tether
  • voLTE


  • Pixel colors
  • Pixel Launcher
  • in-built Gapps
  • Backlight on hardware keys


Download and install Android 8.0 Oreo for Redmi Note 3

Thanks to developer jhenrique09, you can now enjoy some extra features with this ROM including Pixel colors, Pixel Launcher Oreo, Backlight on hardware keys, and in-built Gapps. The ROM is compatible with Redmi Note 3 Pro with codename kenzo or kate.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 AOSP 8.0 Oreo ROM | Downloads

How to install?

Well as AOSP 8.0 Oreo ROM for Note 3 is a custom ROM, you will need to flash it via latest TWRP recovery. Your Note 3’s Bootloader must be unlocked. It should  be rooted, with latest TWRP recovery.

For Bootloader unlock procedure and setting up TWRP, refer to this post.

Read: How to install AOSP 8.0 Oreo ROM port onto Xiaomi devices?

You can also choose to root Oreo using latest Magisk version.


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