Google Assistant Released on Google Play Store [Install APK]

Google Assistant

Growing up watching those Sci-Fi movies, we came across voice and gesture controlled gadgets and similar cool technologies. We used to think back then, how awesome would it be to have this kind of technology at our fingertips. Well, these are all going to turn into reality as the latest Google Assistant v0.1.1 is now available for download. Google Assistant has made its debut appearance on Play store a day back. With the new Google Assistant, you can make calls, navigate through streets, set alarms, get the latest news etc by just a simple voice command. The app provides a way to launch the services that are already available on your phone. Usability is eased down to voice control rather than manually typing and searching for your required service.

Google Assistant v0.1.1 is now available for download on the Play Store. It just released one day back and it has a whopping 4.5 starred review as of now. That itself shows how much efficient it has made people’s usage of smartphones for day-to-day activities. Later in this post, we have given the direct download link for Google Assistant v0.1.1. Its compatibility will depend on the type of Android device You use

What’s New in Google Assistant v0.1.1

Google Assistant comes loaded with a plethora of user-friendly features. Let’s take a look at them.

  • Voice Navigation EnabledYou can navigate to your home by asking for directions just by using your voice. It overcomes the manual searching/navigating for a location in an area.

    Google Assistant v0.1.1
    Navigate Through Google Maps Using Your Voice Instructions
  • Make Phone Calls by Voice InstructionNow you can simply make a call to anyone by using your voice and you do not have to go on the search in contacts and all that job. It’s very helpful when you have to make a quick call during an emergency situation.

    Google Assistant v0.1.1
    Calling made simple with voice command in new Google Assistant
  • Instant Access To Google AssistantNow with the new Google Assistant, You can instantly get started with Google Assistant which is positioned on the screen at your convenience.

    Google Assistant v0.1.1
    New Google Assistant Enables Instant Access
  • Set Voice Activated Auto RemindersWith the latest Google Assistant v0.1.1, you can set voice commanded reminders such as for getting reminded for your special one’s birthday and for similar occasions. You will be automatically reminded by Google Assistant on the event day. How awesome !! Isn’t it..?!

    Google Assistant v0.1.1
    Set Voice Activated Auto Reminders using Google Assistant

Access Your Favorite Music/Videos At One Voice Command

Want to access Youtube to see that latest music video by your favorite artists..? Well, gone are those days of going to Youtube and type and search and all that labor. Just open Google Assistant and speak out your music of choice and Presto! the music/video will be on your screen. Personally speaking, this is a boon for hardcore YouTubers like me.

Google Assistant v0.1.1
Entertain Yourself With Simple Voice Commands To Access your favorite Music/Videos on Youtube

Download Latest Google Assistant from Play Store

Here we provide below the direct download link to download the latest Google Assistant v0.1.1 on your device.

Latest Google Assistant v0.1 for All Android Smartphones | Download

The installation is pretty simple too like any other APK you would install. And all these amazing features you will get for absolutely free.

Therefore, Google Assistant v0.1.1 is something you should experience to make your life better and more faster. The reality of voice controlled actions on mobile computing platforms is now in your hands. So, make the most of it and install the latest Google Assistant v0.1.1. Also, stay tuned with AndroidSage for more such interesting and cool updates on Android Apps.

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