Samsung Galaxy S8+ Oreo Beta 2 update available for Snapdragon variants [Download Now]

Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+Oreo Beta 2 ROM Snapdragon variants Download OTA

Update: Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ Android 8.0 Oreo Beta 2 Snapdragon USA variant official OTA update starts rolling out with firmware build number G950USQU1ZQK6 and G955USQU1ZQK6. Samsung rolling out Android 8.0 Oreo update version 2 for Galaxy S8 and S8+ phones with a new firmware build number G9550USQU1ZQK1 and G955USQU1ZQK1 respectively. The Samsung Oreo 2 ROM download are also available in the form of OTA update zip files for all S8+ Snapdragon variants. OTA updates captured from AT&T Galaxy S8 servers.

The Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+ are a set of lucky devices as they are receiving the latest Android 8.0 Oreo updates. Though Beta, owners of the two phones get to test the Oreo based Samsung Experience 9.0 before anyone else. Earlier last month, Samsung started rolling out Android 8.0 Oreo Beta for S8 and S8+ with firmware build versions G950USQU1ZQJJ and G955USQU1ZQJJ. The update came to a select number of users registered under Samsung’s Oreo Beta program in USA, UK, and Korea.

Although only S8+ users on T-Mobile, Sprint, unlocked network carriers can only receive the update, it seems that AT&T is seeding the OTA zip files for all. Using the OTA updates available for the S8 and S8 Plus, you can update almost any Snapdragon variant to latest Oreo build ZQK1.

As of now, not much is know as to what’s new with this new Galaxy S8/S8+ Oreo Beat 2 ROM. However, soon the global variants like SM-G950F and SM-G955F can benefit from the same Samsung Oreo Beta 2 upgrade.

Download Samsung Experience 9.0 based Oreo Beta 2 ROM for Galaxy S8/S8+

The following is an OTA update file which can be installed using stock recovery or ADB sideload method.

While the below OTA updates are captured from AT&T servers, you can also install it on any Galaxy S8/S8+ Snapdragon variant be it T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, or unlocked SM-G950U and SM-G955U.

Oreo Beta 2 ROM downloads:

AT&T Galaxy S8+ SM-G955U | Download G955USQU1AQGL-to-U1ZQK1 | OTA update

AT&T Galaxy S8 SM-G950U | Download G950USQU1AQGL-to-U1ZQK1 | G950USQU1AQGL-to-U1ZQJJ

AQGL Downloads:

More Galaxy S8/S8+ Oreo Beta ROM downloads:

How to install Galaxy S8/S8+ Oreo Beta 2 update on any Snapdragon variant?

In order to install the latest Galaxy S8 and S8+ Oreo Beta 2 update, you need to be on the G950USQU1AQGL and G950USQU1AQGL stock firmware build. Download the latest OTA update from above and flash it via ADB sideload method or stock recovery method.

Also, note that if your device is already on the Oreo Beta 1 update ZQJJ, then you will have to roll back to the previous AT&T Nougat ROM (AQGL). Flash the full stock firmware back to Nougat and get updated to AQGL. Then, proceed with the Samsung Oreo Oreo Beta 2 update listed in downloads section.

While stock recovery install should work perfectly fine, here is the ADB sideload method:


1. Make sure your AT&T S8 device is on the listed AQGL firmware update.

2. Enable USB Debugging from Developer Options on your device. To do so, go to Settings > Developer Options > enable USB Debugging from there.

3. Make sure to setup ADB and Fastboot on Windows, Mac OS, Linux or Chrome OS with quict 15 second ADB installer. You may also like Universal ADB drivers.

OTA installation via ADB sideload method:

Step 1: Download the Oreo Beta OTA file from above. Transfer files to PC, Mac Book, or Linux machine.

Step 2: Make ADB and Fastboot is setup on both Galaxy S8 and PC. Trust the connection at the first USB connection on your Android.

Step 3: Connect Android phone to PC. Now open a command prompt or terminal window on your PC where the OTA update zip is present. To do so, type cmd in address bar and hit Enter key.

Step 4: Reboot your Galaxy S8 device into Recovey mode. To do so, issue the following command through cmd or terminal.

adb reboot recovery

Step 5: Now go to device recovery and select “Apply updates from ADB”.

Step 6: Navigate to the location where you have placed the OTA file on your PC. It’s time to flash the OTA by issuing the following command. (Note that you type the exact name with its proper extension.)

adb sideload <filename>.zip

Note: Put the exact file name in the <filename> section without “<>” and proper extension.

Step 7: Approve the update and wait till the upgrade completes.

Reboot device to system. Alternatively, while, on Mac OS, you can issue “./adb sideload <filename>.zip” command or on Linux type “sudo adb sideload <filename>.zip” to flash the OTA. Check out the complete tutorial from here.

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