Android Oreo Based ZEN-UI For ASUS Zenfone 3 [First Look]

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With every other Android device getting Oreo update, now ASUS also seems to have stepped into the game. ASUS is all set to drop Android 8.0 Oreo for Zenfone 3. Released back in mid-2016, the company had promised this to Zenfone 3 series of devices. It brings in all the regular features of Android O like Autofill API, picture-in-picture mode, notification dots etc. The device will be running on Oreo over its very own ZEN-UI skin.

Already the public Beta of Android O for Zenfone 3 is making its round to the users.  Also, as of recent a first look has been released that pretty much gives an impression of what we can expect from the Oreo update.

Public Beta Android 8.0 Oreo for Zenfone 3

Here is ASUS Zenfone 3 sporting Android O Beta with latest November 2017 security patch.

asus oreo beta
Android Oreo First Public Beta for Asus Zenfone 3
zenfone beta oreo
Zenfone 3 running on Android O With Latest November 2017 Security Patch

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Here are some screenshots of Asus Zenfone 3 with its trademark ZEN-UI based on Android Oreo.

Android 8.0 Oreo for Zenfone 3
Notification Dots Feature on ASUS Zenfone 3 Running on Android Oreo
Android 8.0 Oreo for Zenfone 3
Picture-in-Picture Feature on Android Oreo-based ZEN-UI for ASUS Zenfone 3
Android 8.0 Oreo for Zenfone 3
ASUS Zenfone 3 on ZEN-UI based on Android O

Here you can see there isn’t much difference in the device OS looks wise between Android Nougat and Oreo.

So, for all Zenfone users out there, stay tuned for the stable rollout of Android O. Sign up for the ASUS Oreo Beta program in the meanwhile.

Keep scrolling on AndroidSage to stay updated with all latest news about Oreo rollout for ASUS devices.

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