Download and install Lineage OS 15.1 for Xiaomi Mi A1 and update to Android 8.1 Oreo

Lineage OS 15.1 for Xiaomi Mi A1 Android 8.1 Oreo

Update: Xiaomi Mi A1 gets official Lineage OS 15.1 ROM official nightly build support. One of the first Android One device to get stable Lineage OS ROM update. The custom ROM brings Android 8.1 Oreo for Mi A1 devices. You may also be interested in other custom ROMS for Mi A1 such as Resurrection Remix 6.1, Pixel Experience, Nitrogen OS, Paranoid Android etc.

See how to download and install LineageOS 15.1 for Mi A1. This is the stable build of the custom ROM. So, expect minimum to no errors, bugs, or instability. new versions are continuously updated.

Download Lineage OS 15.1 for Xiaomi Mi A1

Following is the latest version of official Lineage OS 15.1 for all Xiaomi devices.

You may also need:

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Now let’s see the steps to install the ROM.

Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Go through the requirements and download the Lineage OS 15.1 ROM, GApps package, and Magisk zip to root from the above download section.

Step 2: Transfer all the files from PC to your Android device’s internal storage.

Step 3: It is time to install the custom TWRP on your Android device. Now, reboot to TWRP recovery. Turn of the device completely, press and hold volume (down/up) and power button.

Step 4: Perform a full wipe of the partition such as system, data, cache, etc. DO NOT wipe internal storage. Os simply perform a factory reset from TWRP.

Step 5: Tap on install option in the recovery on the home screen. Flash the LineageOS ROM.

 Step 6: Similarly, flash Gapps package and Magisk zip if you want to root. It is better to flash GApps or Magisk after first successful reboot to system.

Step 7:  Reboot to system.

Enjoy the lineage ROM on your Xiaomi Mi A1 device. Stay tuned with AndroidSage for more such updates and downloads regarding Lineage OS ROM.

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