Google Assistant Starts Rolling For all Tablets and Android Lollipop firmware

Google Assistant Android Apps on Google Play

Personal aid is now made easier with Google Assistant rolling for smartphones running Android 5.0 Lollipop and later. Also, the virtual helper will now support Tablets running on Marshmallow or Nougat, which doubles the excitement. Earlier this year,  Assistant was made available to devices other than Pixel. Now the current update is seeding around 12 countries across the globe.

Google’s Assistant now supports different languages like English, Spanish, Italian etc. Two months ago, Google Assistant v0.1.1 was released with some moderate tweaks for Xiaomi devices. Although we are now living in the age of Oreo, this expansion of the virtual assistant is a major step-up for users on earlier Android OS.

How To Check If Google Assistant Is Enabled On your Smartphone?

Now as the rule goes your device(smartphone/tablet) must run on Android 5.0 Lollipop or later. There isn’t any such download link that you have to follow.

Simply check by long pressing the home button. If the update has already rolled into your device you will be greeted with “Hi…How Can I Help” screen.

Google Assistant
Long Press Home Button on Your Smartphone To Open Up Google Assistant  

Basically, earlier on pressing home button what used to show up was the screen search that will be now be taken over by the Assistant.

If that doesn’t work, you may check out:

As a last resort you can resort to Google Assistant app.

Google Assistant
Google Assistant
Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Therefore, if you are using a tab or a smartphone with Lollipop OS then get ready to have your own virtual personal assistant.

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