Install OxygenOS 5.0.1 OTA update for OnePlus 3 and 3T

Download and Install OxygenOS 5.0.1 OTA update for OnePlus 3 and 3T

As we know, OnePlus 3 and 3T devices have already been updated to Android 8.0 Oreo with the first official build of Oxygen OS 5.0. Some users were quite disappointed with the update due to the many bugs they faced. Now, the manufacturer is pushing yet another Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OTA update towards OnePlus 3 and 3T. This firmware brings several features, bug fixes, and stability improvements. So download and install the official Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OTA and full signed firmware zip from below.

The update now features the newly introduced aptX and aptX HD audio codec support for Bluetooth. This will enhance the audio streaming and quality for Bluetooth connected devices. Although this new feature was already introduced in Android 7.1 Nougat for OnePlus 3 and 3T, the Oreo lacked it. Now, the features have been re-added into the Android 8.0 system. You can find the aptXHD option in Developer Options.

Other great features introduced into Oxygen OS 5.0.1 include Wi-Fi hotspot device manager, and “adaptive mode” screen calibration. The names are self-explanatory. You will also see the latest December 2017 Security Patch.

Oxygen OS 5.0.1 is based on Android 8.0 Oreo and may soon be released for OnePlus 5 and 5T as well. Moreover, if you would like more such updates, then install the latest Open Beta for OnePlus 3/3T. The benefit is Face Unlock feature from OnePlus 5T is to coming to OnePlus 3, 3T, 5.

OxygenOS 5.0.1 OTA update for OnePlus 3 and 3T

OnePlus 3/3T Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OTA update downloads

This is a big update as compared to the OTA download size. It weighs around 145 MB. It does not simply consist of Android security patch, but it introduces several new features to the device. Following you will find the OTA and full firmware download links. soon. Download and install Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OnePlus 3 and 3T OTA update.

As it is too early, the OTA links are not available just yet. OnePlus 3T full signed firmware available.

OnePlus 3 Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OTA update | Mega Download | Full firmware

You can find the full firmware at the following links once OnePlus makes the downloads live.

OnePlus 3T Oxygen OS 5.0.1 OTA update | GDrive Download | Official mirror

You can find the full firmware at the following links once OnePlus makes the downloads live.

Meanwhile, you can capture the OTA update using a VPN app. Apparently, the OTA is now live in regions of Germany and Canada. So download a VPN app like Opera Vpn and change the location to the countries.

But first, make sure your device is running the official Oxygen OS 5.0 OTA update.

Later, go to Settings > System Updates > Check for updates. Download OTA and install using stock recovery or ADB sideload method.

Once the full firmware is available, you could perform a Local Upgrade.


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