[Download] Latest OxygenOS Open Beta 4 now available for OnePlus 5/5T

Download and install OxygenOS Open Beta 4 for OnePlus 5 and 5T

Following the latest OnePlus 3 and 3T Open Beta update, which brought the newest Launcher v2.3 and the face unlock feature, the flagship phones are now receiving a similar update. The OnePlus 5T and 5 can now be updated to OxygenOS Open Beta 2 and 4 respectively. These are some of the most important updates by far as they feature the latest OnePlus Launcher 2.3 and the Face Unlock functionality for all. OnePlus 3 and 3T received the Face Unlock feature in the last Open Beta 30/21 firmware build.

The OnePlus 5 gets Open Beta 4 and the OnePlus 5T is being updated to Beta 2 builds. Both the builds also bring the January 2018 Security Patch and based on Android 8.0 Oreo OS. Apart from the new launcher, face unlock feature, and the latest Android Security Patch, the update brings several improvements to system. This includes optimizations for high power consumption by apps, intelligent background app management system, improved power consumption, and several bug fixes.

Moreover, OnePlus 5T haven’t received official Oreo update based on Oxygen OS 5.0 yet. So you might might consider migrating to the beta builds for now. With beta builds, you get to test the latest offerings from the manufacturer before they make it to the official builds. Most of the times, the Beta updates are quite stable as compared to the stable ones.

So download and install the latest builds from below. We have listed the full firmware packages. Also, see the full update log from below. The manufacturer has also listed a video featuring the new changes to the system, launcher, and the user interface. You can see the OnePlus update video from here.

Changelog for OnePlus 5/5T Open Beta 4/2

OnePlus Launcher:

  • Launcher Updated to v2.3
    • Drawer categories
      • You can see new categories when using the search icon in the drawer
    • Auto folder tagging
      • When you add applications that are similar, our system will help you automatically name the new folder you created
    • Dynamic Icon for Clock
      • The Clock icon is now dynamic
    • Notification dot optimization
      • The Blue notification dots present to notify you of a newly installed app will now be removed automatically after 15 days
  • Launcher usage tips improved
    • We’ve added some new helpful tips for first use of the launcher


  • Optimizations for logic managing high power consumption applications
  • Added a more intelligent background application management solution
  • Improved power consumption measurements
  • Various bug fixes and optimizations


  • Added OnePlus Switch application for backup & restore
    • We’ve added the new OnePlus switch app so moving your information to a new OnePlus device will be easier than ever
  • Clipboard
    • Added a new clipboard feature activated when copying information. You can edit the text copied and then choose to “Search, Translate, or Share”
  • File manager
    • Improved experience when deleting files
    • Added large file management function
  • Dialer
    • More caller information now given to you during incoming call notification

Known issues:

  • Some third party camera applications may not fully work with this update

Despite being a huge update with many optimizations and bug fixes, there may still be some bugs with some third-party apps. As this is termed as beta update, we can expect it.

Download OnePlus 5 Open Beta 4

  • Open Beta 4 | Download full firmware

The firmware file will be available at the following link:


Download OnePlus 5T Open Beta 2

The firmware can be installed using the Local Upgrade method. You can check out the Oxygen OS 5.0.1 Oreo update post for detailed tutorial. If your The OnePlus 5 or 5T device is rooted, then download and flash the full firmware zip via latest TWRP recovery.

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