Download new Odin 3.13.1 for flashing Android 8.0 Oreo Samsung Galaxy firmware

download latest Odin3 v3.13 or later for Android 8.0 Oreo Samsung Experiecne 9.0 firmware Galaxy S9 and S9+

Samsung just released the latest and greatest Android 8.0 Oreo firmware update for the last year’s flagship phones such as the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8+. Other Samsung devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge have also received unofficial builds of Oreo. So if you are looking forward to upgrading your Samsung Galaxy device to Android 8.0 Oreo, then the latest Odin3 v3.13.1 will come handy.

Now that the latest Oreo firmware from Samsung is available, the firmware flashing tools also need to be upgraded. Hence, the latest Odin v3.13.1 will provide for all your needs. It comes in support for flashing the latest Android 8.0 Oreo based Samsung Experience 9.0 firmware ROMs. Odin enables you to upgrade your your phone’s software or the firmware build number, flash the full stock firmware update, and restore Samsung devices to complete stock.

The plus point of using the Odin v3.13.1 or later is that it supports both Windows with the Win OS Library (SS_DL.dll) as well as the Mac OS with the MAC OS Bundle (S1PlugIn.bundle). In order to use it on Mac OS, all you need to do is extract the S1Plugin bundle and use it.

download latest Odin3 v3.13 or later for Android 8. Oreo Samsung Experiecne 9.0 firmware updates

Download latest Odin v3.13.1+ for installing Samsung Experience 9.0 Oreo firmware

Here, download the latest versions of the Odin tool, including v3.14.4, 3.13.1, 3.12.10, 3.12.3, 3.11.1, and 3.10.7, and provide insights on how to use it effectively.

Downloading Samsung Odin Tool

Odin v3.14.4

Odin v3.14.4 is the latest version and supports the newest Samsung Galaxy models. It’s highly recommended for users with recent devices as it includes the latest bug fixes and performance improvements. It will also work with older devices.

Odin v3.13.1

Odin v3.13.1 is a stable version suitable for slightly older models. It’s often used when v3.14.4 is not compatible or causing issues.

Odin v3.12.10 and v3.12.3

These versions are popular among users of mid-range Galaxy devices from a few years back. They offer reliable performance for these models.

Odin v3.11.1

This version is known for its stability and compatibility with a broad range of devices, making it a go-to for many users.

Odin v3.10.7

One of the older, yet robust versions, Odin v3.10.7 is perfect for legacy Samsung Galaxy devices.

How to Install latest Odin Tool on your PC?

  • Download the Odin 3.14 from above.
  • Extract the Odin Tool zip/rar file with 7zip software.
  • Run Odin3 as administrator.
  • Then follow the links above for further instructions.

Download Samsung Drivers

Samsung drivers are not necessary. However, you may require them for older devices and if facing connectivity issues.

Download Samsung Galaxy Firmware, USB Drivers, PIT Files, TWRP, Root

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