Easiest Way to Enable Android Messages for Web without Root! – Download Latest Android Messages APK

Messages for web - Download Latest Android Messages APK

Update: Here is an easiest way to Enable Android Messages for web! Also, download Android Messages APK to get Desktop Support, RCS Messaging, Rich Texts, Smart Reply, and more. Android Messages is going through a lot of changes lately. The latest Android Messages APK brings support for desktop or web browser support. Meaning, you can directly receive or reply to messages (or SMS) directly from your computer or web browser. All you need to do is visit the link listed below, scan the Barcode using messaging app, and you are done. This is just like you do with any other platform such as Whatsapp or Telegram. The new message app from Google is about to bring a revolution to the way we communicate by introducing RCS messaging.

The most anticipated feature of Android Messages is the support for Rich Communication Services (RCS) messaging. This new features will make all other third-party messaging apps obsolete. RCS functionality is quite similar to the iMessages or Hangouts; if you are familiar with it. With RCS, communication will happen right from your default message or SMS app. All you need to do is simply look up a contact send an SMS, which would be a RCS message (in rich text), and the message will be sent; hopefully without a charge or using up your SMS quota.

Currently, Google has partnered with 27 telecom carriers and many other manufacturers as well to bring about RCS messaging. Moreover, the manufacturer is also looking forward to bringing Google account integration to Android Messages.You wouldn’t need any additional third-party app or need to be on the same platform (or app) for sending out messages. However, RCS may take some time to deploy. So to be prepared, download the latest Android Messages APK 3.3.044 or later from below to get current features.

See this video to know more about RCS messaging:

The current version of Android Messages bring the anticipated feature as desktop support. You can directly access all your messages from desktop or web browser be it – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari, or Opera.

It also brings the following key features according to the official Google Blog:

  • Send and receive texts from your computer
  • Search for and send the perfect GIF
  • Use Smart Reply to respond with a tap
  • Preview links within your conversations
  • Copy one-time passwords with one tap

Download Latest Android Messages APK 3.3.044

There are 3 versions available for download:

See if your Android phone is arm64, arm, or x86.

This is a direct install app. So transfer APK to phone storage, and install as normal app.

Google Play Store Link:

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free

Note: Android Messages for web is a server-side feature. So unless Google roll out the update specifically for your device or region, you may not see the Messages for Web icon in your app. Moreover, Google said within a week every one will be able to get this feature. So it’s just about time that you download the latest version of Android Messages from above. Keep it installed and you will see it.

How to Enable Android Messages for Web right now without root?

According to some users, the easiest way to get or enable Android Messages for Web is to first, make sure you have the latest Android Messages APK from above. Later, Enable Airplane mode. Open Messages app and the Web for Messages feature should pop up.

If it does not, you can force the feature by clearing storage and uninstalling updates, if applicable, to the following apps:

Visit settings > apps > and locate these apps and clear cache and data. You can also uninstall updates.

  • Messages (link above)
  • Google app (link)
  • Google Play Services (link)
  • Google Play Store (link)

Later check for updates and update them.

How to setup Android Messages for Web?

Once you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Android Messages, you will need to

  • Visit the Android Messages for web website from here from your computer’s web browser.
  • Launch your Android Messages app.
  • Tap on the top right settings icon with 3 dots.
  • Select the option Messages for Web.
  • Scan the desktop Barcode using the mobile interface.
  • That’s it enjoy messages for desktop.

The update is currently live in the United States and may popup anytime soon in your region. You can read about RCS messaging from here.

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