Download Magisk 17.3 Stable and Beta: Supports Android 9 Pie, SafetyNet Check, Google Pixel 3

Updated October 21, 2018: Magisk 17.3 is now available for download in support to root Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL on latest Android 9.0 Pie. We already had the Magisk 17.2 Beta and Magisk 17.1 Stable available for download on stable channel that fixes Bootloop for some Android devices. We also get Magisk Manager v6.0.1 APK download.
Magisk is back after a long break and this time it comes with a bang. The stable channel of Magisk has been updated to version 17.0. Magisk 17.0 comes in support for Android 9.0 Pie officially. We already know that the Magisk 16.7 Beta already works with Android P. However, with the latest stable version you will not face any bugs. So download and see how to install Magisk 17.0 or later and root Android device.
Magisk 17 now officially supports latest flagships from Samsung – Galaxy S9, S9 Plus, and the Note 9 running Samsung Experience 9.5 based on Android 8.1 Oreo. Moreover, Safety Net check is back! So no more ‘Invalid Response’ error in the SN using latest version of Magisk Manager. Most importantly, MagiskHide will now let you also hide Magisk and root from services of a particular app. So Fortnite can run on rooted Android devices.
Update Log for latest Magisk 17.2:
- Magisk Manager Obfuscation
There are some detection method out in the wild (e.g. PS4 Remote Play) that analyzes all installed APKs to find signs of Magisk Manager to mitigate the package name randomization feature within the app. The counter-counter-attack here is to do excessive obfuscation so it can no longer do so.- New Communication Scheme
- Randomize Service Names
- Updated Resetprop
Following are the features of the latest Magisk 17.1:
- Android Pie (9.0) support
- Support targeting sub services when selecting an app to hide with MagiskHide, meaning background services of hidden apps would not be able to detect root
- Fix root loss issue when MagiskHide is enabled
- Support Samsung S9/S9+/Note 9
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Install to Inactive Slot is Back
- SafetyNet Check is Back
- Magisk 17.1 – SafetyNet check within Magisk Manager fix, and also added support to new Samsung kernels with KNOX defex protections.
The latest update adds ability for Magisk to force a slot swap using bootctl
. The feature to install Magisk to inactive slots after OTAÂ on Pixel devices is back.
Download Latest Magisk 17.3+ Stable and Beta
The latest version of Magisk is v17.0 Stable. The Magisk 17.1+ Beta will be available soon with more improvements and bug fixes. You can also download the previous Magisk 16.7 Beta if you face any issues.
- Direct Download – (Latest)
- Direct Download – (Beta)
- Direct Download – 4 MB (Stable)
- Full Magisk downloads repository
Use Magisk ZIP to root your Android device via TWRP recovery. You can also use the Magisk uninstaller if you want to remove root.
Magisk Manager:
Magisk zip alone is won’t do it. Magisk Manager is an APK that will help you manage root on your Android phone. You can grant or deny root access to any app.
- Direct Download – MagiskManager-v6.0.1.apk
- Direct Download –Â MagiskManager-v6.0.0.apk
- Direct Download –Â MagiskManager-v5.9.1.apk
- Previous – MagiskManager-v5.9.0 APK
How to install Magisk –Â Detailed tutorial on how to install Magisk.
Magisk Uninstaller
Note:Â If you have flashed Magisk 17.0 and face a Bootloop, flash the uninstaller via TWRP recovery, and then flash Magisk 17.2.
- Direct Download –Â