Download Magisk 18 zip and Magisk Manager 6.1.0 APK huge update

Android’s favorite developer, topjohnwu, released another update for the most ambitious project -Magisk; known for rooting most Android devices. A huge upgrade for Magisk comes with version 18 (stable and beta). Magisk v18 features several code changes and bug fixes for more stability. The Magisk Manager, a supporting application for rooted Android phones or tablets, has been updated as well. So download and install Magisk 18 onto your devices.
This is a huge update because there have been many under the hood changes. For instance, the code base has been migrated to C++. The database is now modified natively, instead of going through the Magisk manager. You can check out the detailed changelog from below. The Magisk Manager APK, on the other hand, has been updated to v6.1.0 and introduces a new more stable download method. The app can now auto launch new apps after hiding. You will now see a built-in hosts module under settings.
Changelog for Magisk v18:
- [General] Migrate all code base to C++
- [General] Modify database natively instead of going through Magisk Manager
- [General] Deprecate path /sbin/.core, please start using /sbin/.magisk
- [General] Boot scripts are moved from <magisk_img>/.core/<stage>.d to /data/adb/<stage>.d
- [General] Remove native systemless hosts (MagiskManager is updated with a built-in systemless hosts module)
- [General] Allow module scripts to disable/remove modules
- [MagiskHide] Use component names instead of process names as targets
- [MagiskHide] Add procfs protection on SDK 24+ (Nougat)
- [MagiskHide] Remove the folder /.backup to prevent detection
- [MagiskHide] Hide list is now stored in database instead of raw textfile in images
- [MagiskHide] Add “–status” option to CLI
- [MagiskHide] Stop unmounting non-custom related mount points
- [MagiskSU] Add FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES in broadcasts to force wake Magisk Manager
- [MagiskSU] Fix a bug causing SIGWINCH not properly detected
- [MagiskPolicy] Support new av rules: type_change, type_member
- [MagiskPolicy] Remove all AUDITDENY rules after patching sepolicy to log all denies for debugging
- [MagiskBoot] Properly support extra_cmdline in boot headers
- [MagiskBoot] Try to repair broken v1 boot image headers
- [MagiskBoot] Add new CPIO command: “exists”
Magisk Manager changelog:
– Introduce new downloading methods: no longer uses buggy system Download Manager
– Introduce many new notifications for better user experience
– Add support for Magisk v18.0
– Change application name to “Manager” after hiding(repackaging) to prevent app name detection
– Add built-in systemless hosts module (access in settings)
– Auto launch the newly installed app after hiding(repackaging) and restoring Magisk Manager
– Fix bug causing incomplete module.prop in modules to have improper UI
Download Magisk 18
Following are the direct download links right from the Github repository of the project.
- Latest Stable (Magisk v18 zip)
- Latest Beta (Magisk v18 zip)
- Latest Uninstaller (Magisk uninstaller zip)
- Latest Magisk Manager (APK download)
Full downloads repository:
Use either the stable or beta Magisk v18+ zip and flash it via TWRP recovery to root Android devices running Android 9 Pie, 8.0/8.1 Oreo, 7.0/7.1 Nougat, Marshmallow or earlier. You may also need to install Magisk Manager APK after you have booted into the system.
In case you don’t want Magisk or want to completely unroot your Android phone, then flash the Magisk uninstaller zip via TWRP recovery.
How to install Magisk? Detailed tutorial on how to install Magisk.