Download Official Android 10 Q GSI (Generic System Image) for all the Android devices with Project Treble Support

Download Android Q GSI Generic System Image

Updated: Google released the official build of Android 10 for the Google Pixel series devices. The latest official Android 10 GSI builds (generic system images) are now available for download officially from Google servers. Earlier, we posted about the Android Q GSI beta builds available for downloads directly from Google’s servers. Here are the Android 10 GSI builds. We also have the custom Android 10 GSI by Erfan Abdi for One UI, Oxygen OS, MIUI, Zen UI, Flyme OS, Hydrogen OS, NubiaUI, Moto, Candy ROM, Xpieria, Pixel, ZUI, and more.

Original: Android Q is going to be the next version of the most popular mobile operating system in the world. This is the tenth iterations of Android OS and it comes packed with many new features. These features include a native system wide dark mode or night mode, advanced or complete control over Android permissions using permission usage section, possible accent and font options, and time to read feature. So download Android Q GSI right now!

With the new permissions usage section under Privacy tab in settings app, you can control all the permissions that certain apps are using. Moreover, you can monitor the permission used by a certain app in real time right at the status bar. The dark mode can be activated from the Developer Options and can also trigger some apps to get native dark mode feature. Most importantly, there is a new option in the Accessibility settings called Time to read where you can control the time of heads up notifications that appear on the screen.

There is also a new Desktop mode under Developer Settings that we may see more about once the Android beta program kicks in. Maybe something like Samsung Dex? Android Q may also support accent colors or fonts similar to Oxygen OS, and support for native face unlock feature for all.

The Android Q beta program that will start likely in mid-March and stable builds will be available in 2019 itself. Moreover, here we have the early builds of the Android Q GSI (Generic System Image) even before the Android 10 Developer Preview builds. You can flash the GSI images onto your Project Treble supported Android phones.

Here is the full review and top new features of Android 10 from zollotech:

Download Android 10 GSI (Generic System Image)

The latest Android 10 Q GSI builds are available for download. As we already know, Google released official Android 10 for the Pixel series phones. Google also released the official Android 10 GSI builds for all the Project Treble enabled devices with ARM 64 + GSM, ARM64, and x86_64 CPU architecture. You can checkout your phone’s CPU architecture from here.

Download official Android 10 GSI from Google (latest)

Details of Android 10 GSI:

Date: September 2019

Security patch level: September 5, 2019

Google Play Services: 18.7.19


Type Direct Download Links

Download official Android Q GSI from Google (beta)

Google released Android Q Beta 2 for the Pixel series phones. Google also released the official Android 10 GSI builds for all the Project Treble enabled devices with ARM 64 + GSM, ARM64, and x86_64 CPU architecture.

Type Download Link

Download Android 10 GSI from Erfan Abdi

Here are the custom Android 10 GSI build for several Android smartphones from different OEM manufacturers and their firmware like One UI, Oxygen OS, MIUI, Zen UI, Flyme OS, Hydrogen OS, NubiaUI, Moto, Candy ROM, Xpieria, Pixel, and many more. You can use these latest Andorid 10 GSI builds and install it on your Android devices for the latest update.

Thanks to Erfan Abdi for the amazing Andorid 10 GSI builds found in his Telegram group.

Note that this only works on Android 9 Pie and 8.1 vendors. Quick installation instructions: (detailed instructions below)

How to install on AB:

  • Install img into system partition
  • Flash
  • Reboot

How to install on A-Only:

  • Install img into system partition
  • Flash
  • Flash
  • Reboot

Download Android 10 Q GSI from @androidqgsi (telegram)

Following is the latest GSI based on the latest Android 10 Q early builds from January, 2019 security patch.

You will also need:

Download Permissiver (Important):

Download Android 10 Q OpenGApps:

AndroidQ GSI telegram groups:

You may also like to join these Android Q Telegram groups for further queries.

How to Install Android 10 Q GSI on Project Treble devices?

Step 1: First of all, check if your Android phone supports Project Treble. You can use this app. Generally, Android phones launched with Android 8.0 Oreo or later out of the box natively enabled with treble support.

Step 2: Also, check if your device is A-only or AB

Note: Installing an already existing Project Treble ROM on your Android device before flashing GSI is a good option.

You can simply download the Android Q GSI and flash it using a custom TWRP recovery or Fastboot mode on Treble supported Android device. See the brief tutorial on How to Install GSI on your Android device.

Method 1: Flashing Generic System Images (GSI) via TWRP recovery

Make sure you have Unlocked the Bootloader and flashed the latest TWRP recovery onto your device.

For A-Only:

  • Download and transfer the latest Android Q GSI to phone storage.
  • Extract the zip to get Android P GSI image file.
  • Reboot to TWRP recovery.
  • Take a full Nandroid backup.
  • Wipe everything except internal storage. You can also factory reset.
  • Tap on install.
  • Change the type from “zip” to “image.”
  • Choose to flash to the system partition.
  • You can also flash the Open Gapps if you need Google apps.
  • Reboot to system.

Now for AB :

  • Download and transfer the latest Android Q GSI to phone storage.
  • Extract the zip to get Android P GSI image file.
  • Reboot to TWRP recovery.
  • Take a full Nandroid backup.
  • Wipe everything except internal storage. You can also factory reset.
  • Change the type from “zip” to “image.”
  • Choose to flash to the system partition.
  • Flash if required.
  • You can also flash the Open Gapps if you need Google apps.
  • If your device was encrypted, then go to Wipe and “format data”.
  • Reboot to system.

Method 2: Flashing Generic System Images (GSI) via Fastboot mode

  • Perform a factory reset on your device. To do so, go to settings app and look for the factory reset option. Alternatively, reboot into recovery mode and choose factory reset option.
  • Enable OEM Unlock, and USB Debugging from Developer Options on your device. To do so, go to Settings > Developer Options > enable USB Debugging from there.
  • Setup ADB and Fastboot on Windows, Mac OS, Linux or Chrome OS.
  • Download the Android Q GSI image from above. Transfer files to PC, Mac Book, or Linux machine and extract to get image file.
  • Connect Android phone to PC.
  • Open a command prompt or terminal window on your PC where the GSI image is present. To do so, type cmd in address bar and hit Enter key.
  • Reboot your Android phone into bootloader mode or fastboot mode. To do so, issue the following command through cmd or terminal.

adb reboot bootloader

  • While your device is still connected to your PC, enter the following command to erase the system.

fastboot erase system

  • Enter the following format to flash the Android Q system image

fastboot -u flash system <name_of_system.img>

  • Once installation completes, reboot your device manually or enter the following command

fastboot reboot

How to Install Google Apps (GApps)

  • Flash the zip and wipe data
  • Delete SetupWizard in /system/priv-app/SetupWizard
  • Reboot device up
  • Register the Android Device to Google using this guide
  • Wait 10 mins and reboot

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