Xiaomi Poco F1 MIUI features Dark Mode for some [OTA Downloads]

Download Xiaomi Poco F1 Official Stable Android 9.0 Pie OTA Update

Xiaomi’s Poco F1 is now receiving yet another OTA update under the global stable ROM channel. Some users have already received the MIUI OTA update on their device, while some are still waiting for the update notification. Interestingly, a couple of users adopters of the new ROM have reported native dark mode set by default upon reboot. Not all users who have updated to MIUI 10.3.5 or have received Dark Mode on their devices. It could be a bug or could be a hidden feature that we haven’t found just yet. Anyways if you would like to test the new firmware right now, you can readily download and install latest MIUI firmware update for Xiaomi Poco F1 from below.

According to some report, Xiaomi is supposed to bring native dark mode to Pocophone and several other smartphones with the upcoming MIUI 11 firmware. However, the manufacturer could already be testing Dark Mode for MIUI 10 right now and may have released it some right now. We also know that the manufacturer will shut down beta testing ROMS for most of its smartphones soon. So you may only find stable updates in the near future.

The previous stable MIUI 10.3.4 Global ROM brought many exciting features to the Pocophone including 4k recording at 60FPS, Game Turbo Mode, Widevine L1 support, and latest security patch. We also have the Android 9.0 Pie OTA update based on MIUI 10 for the Poco F1. So get the latest update right now!

Here are screenshots of the alleged Dark Mode posted by user FullAathal on the MIUI forums: (Source below)

Xiaomi Poco F1 MIUI Dark Mode screenshot Xiaomi Poco F1 MIUI Dark Mode screenshot 2

Download Latest MIUI 10 stable OTA Update for Xiaomi PocoPhone F1

We have listed the latest MIUI 10 global stable OTA update zip below for Xiaomi POCO F1 based on Android 9 Pie. You can easily sideload it to your device without wiping data.

Download MIUI 10 Global Stable full ROM zip

Incremental OTA:

Download MIUI 10 EU Stable full ROM zip

Installation Instructions:

  • Make sure your device is on the latest stable ROM.
  • Download the MIUI 10 OTA update zip from above.
  • Transfer it to phone storage in the root directory. Meaning, not in any folder. If that doesn’t work, place the file in the folder ‘download_rom’.
  • Launch the updater app on your Xioami Poco F1 device. Or go to settings > about phone > system updates.
  • Click on three dots on the top right corner and choose the ROM package.
  • Select the Android OTA zip you have downloaded. It will decrypt and update your Pocophone.

Note: Don’t stop the update once started. If stopped, you will need to do the operation again right from downloading the firmware file again. This will not erase any data in your phone.


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