Download Google Camera 6.1/6.2 APK for Nokia Android devices with Night Sight

Google Camera for Nokia devices available - latest GCam APK download-min

The Google Camera has been updated with latest features and bug fixes for the Pixel series devices. Ever since the tech giant introduced Night Sight mode into GCams, it took the Android community by storm. Now, developers across the globe have been porting Google Camera APK mods (Gcam) for their respective Android phones. Top developers like arnova8G2, BSG, cstark, and more have already created a bunch of modded Google Camera apps for that run on most of the OEM devices including OnePlus, Samsung, Nokia, Xiaomi, LG, and more. Here you will find the latest Google Camera (Gcam APK port) for Nokia smartphones.

One of the best and highly anticipated features called the Night Sight mode is now available in Google Camera version 6.1 or later. With the latest Gcam 6.2, we also get the selfie flash feature, dark mode, measure and improved Night Sight. Following, you will find the latest Google Camera 6.1 mods specifically designed for your Nokia phone model running Android 8.0 Oreo or 9.0 Pie. The Gcam APK listed in the downloads section has been tested working on Nokia 8, 8.1, 7/7.1, 6/6.1, 5, and more.

Note: The Google Camera mod by back.rider has been optimized specifically Nokia phones. If none of the specific ports work, then go for it. The developer’s full downloads repository has been listed below along with other developers. Also note that Gcam mods work best on Android 9 Pie firmware update or later and most of the Nokia phones already have been updated to latest Android OS version. So make sure you have that.

Gcam mod for Nokia phones google camera for nokia Gcam mod for Nokia phones screenshot 2

Download Gcam Mod APK: Google Camera for Nokia phones

Here in this tutorial, download and install Gcam Mod 6.1 from Pixel 3 (XL) for Nokia phones. See There are various camera ports for various phone models listed below. You will get working features like Night Sight, slow motion, motion picture, portrait mode, HDR+ Enhanced, Lens Blur, AR Core, AR Stickers, etc.

What’s working with the latest Gcam port for Nokia phones?

  • All photo (HDR+, Portrait mode, Panorama, Photo Sphere) and video things
  • Night sight
  • Tracking autofocus
  • Motion photos
  • Photobooth
  • Lens Blur
  • Slow motion
  • Auto lens distortion correction on faces (for front camera)
  • Playground (AR stickers): download here
  • Launching from lockscreen

Gcam APK download for Nokia 8 or 8.1

Thanks to developers MGC, BSG for this stunning GCam 6 Port with Lens Blur, Photo Booth & Night Sight for Nokia 8 series phones.

Gcam APK download for Nokia 7 or 7.1

Thanks to Back Rider for this stunning GCam 6.2 Port with Lens Blur, Photo Booth & Night Sight for Nokia 7 series phones. The following will work fine with al Nokia 7 variants like 7.1, 7 Plus, and original 7.

Gcam APK download for Nokia 6 or 6.1

Thanks to Back Rider for this stunning GCam 6.2 Port with Lens Blur, Photo Booth & Night Sight for Nokia 6.1 phone.

Nokia 6.1 Plus (Pie) –

Here is another Gcam for Nokia 6 from cstark:

Gcam APK download for Nokia 5 or 5.1

Here is the stunning GCam 6.1 Port for the Nokia 5 and 5.1 with latest features like Lens Blur, Photo Booth, Night Sight and more.

Downloads for all Nokia phones:

The Gcam by back.rider works perfectly in most of the Nokia phones. We have also listed the full downloads repository from various recognized developers like BSG, Arnova, TlnNeun, that you can test it by yourself and not left stuck on older versions.

  • All back.rider Gcam mods [Optimised for NOKIA devices]-> Download
  • All BSG Gcam mods-> Download [Recommended]
  • All Arnova8G2 Gcam mods -> Download
  • Download it from -> here (Gcam mods by all devs)

Download AR Stickers

Steps for installation:
– Install AR Core APK downloads (AR core mirror2)
– Then install the AR Stickers (Mirror1)
– Force close Gcam and re-open it!
– Done!

How to install Google Camera onto Nokia phones?

As this Google Camera app has been configured for the Samsung Galaxy S7, all you need to do is install the app and use it directly without any settings. Howeevr, do the following first.

  • Uninstall any earlier installed Google Camera app version.
  • Clean install or clear data when you launch the app for the first time.
  • If the settings do not apply correctly, force close it and run the app again.
  • If the app hangs during processing a HDR+ or portrait shot, it could be due to memory leak. You may need to restart the phone.
  • Also, use Smart Manager app and clear all the cache, RAM, memory, etc.

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