Download latest PUBG Mobile 0.15 Stable APK

Download PUBG Mobile APK Stable and Beta

Updated: PUBG Mobile v0.15 stable updated APK now available for download. PlayerUnkown’s Battleground or more commonly known as PUBG is one of the most popular games right now for almost all platforms including mobile, PC, tablets, and more. Tencent Games, the developer of PUBG Mobile, has done a great job bringing the desktop experience right on your smartphones. The Evo Grounds, zombie modes, and Team Death Match are some of the latest features added to the game that are well-liked by the mobile gaming community. Today, a new PUBG Mobile 0.14.0 stable update is rolling out across the globe for both – Android OS and Apple iOS platforms. The update already started on August 13 at 00:00 UTC to 07:00 UTC. This means the latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 APK is already available for download

The latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 update features a new Infection mode where you can play as zombies! At the beginning of the match, players are divided into Defenders and Zombies. You will also find new character system with Victor being the first default character to unlock. You can later unlock more characters and character skills as you go. Victor can be accessed across maps including Evo Grounds, Classic modes, and more. But the skill-sets only apply in Evo Grounds. In Classic modes, everything is balanced.

The latest PUBGM 0.14 update also brings several improvements and bug fixes to the in-game experience. You will immediately find smoother in-game experience especially for the low-end devices where the entire Classic mode are optimized. This also includes performance and compatibility across the iOS and Android platforms. The Season 8 popular items are restocked. The full changelog is listed below.

Now, the latest PUBGM 0.14 stable update may not show up on the Play Store for everyone. This is because in some regions, the update is still not complete. If you are impatient in testing out the latest update, then download and install the latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 APK from below. Don’t worry, the game will run smooth and you will find all the new features in the game once the servers are live for all. However, note that not everyone has updated to the latest version. So you may have to wait longer for matches to start. But that is just until everyone has updated to the latest version.

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What’s new with the latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 update?

Here are all the new features from PUBG Mobile 0.15 update by Mr. Ghost Gaming YouTube channel.

What’s new with the latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 update?

Here is the latest changelog of the PUBG Mobile 0.14 update.

Highlights of latest PUBG Mobile 0.14 update include:

  1. New infection mode
  2. New character system – unlock more appearance and skills
  3. Royale Pass Season 8 with popular items restocked
  4. Background download added to iOS
  5. Pirate main menu theme
  6. Global treasure hunt
  7. Android resources pack
  8. Daily mission system update
  9. Improvements and bug fixes

Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (1) Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (2) Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (3) Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (4) Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (5) Screenshot PUBG MOBILE 0.14 update (6)

Download PUBG Mobile 0.15 APK Stable Official

The PUBG Mobile v0.15 is a huge update that weighs around 1.92 GB in size for Android phones and over 2 GB for Apple iOS on iPhones and iPads. If you are already on the PUBG mobile v0.13 then this is a huge upgrade from the previous one. It is about 2 GB in size.

You can either download the update from Play Store. Or download the APK file from below and install it normally. Don’t worry about the OBB file. Once you update the APK, the game will automatically start downloading the data when you launch it.

Download PUBG mobile from Play Store:

Developer: Level Infinite
Price: Free+

Direct APK download:

  • PUBG Mobile 0.14 stable | Download APKMirror

Note: For Google drive link (first) download to PC then transfer to phone storage and install it. Or you may get parsing error. Here is the direct link.

Download PUBG mobile for Apple iOS:

Here is the Apple app store link for the latest PUBG Mobile app.

Download PUBG Mobile 0.14 APK Stable Official

The PUBG Mobile v0.14 is a huge update that weighs around 1.92 GB in size for Android phones and over 2 GB for Apple iOS on iPhones and iPads. If you are already on the PUBG mobile v0.13 then this is a huge upgrade from the previous one. It is about 2 GB in size.

You can either download the update from Play Store. Or download the APK file from below and install it normally. Don’t worry about the OBB file. Once you update the APK, the game will automatically start downloading the data when you launch it.

Download PUBG mobile from Play Store:

Developer: Level Infinite
Price: Free+

Direct APK download:

Note: For Google drive link (first) download to PC then transfer to phone storage and install it. Or you may get parsing error. Here is the direct link.

Download PUBG mobile for Apple iOS:

Here is the Apple app store link for the latest PUBG Mobile app.

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