Download Magisk 20.1 zip and Magisk Manager 7.4.0 APK stable version with new Magisk-Hide mode
Renowned Android developer who goes by the name topjohnwu has released yet another update for the popular Magisk project. Magisk, if you don’t already know, is the most popular Android rooting tool for most of the smartphones out there. The latest Magisk v20.1 zip coupled with the latest Magisk Manager v7.4.0 features a new root hiding mode for Android 9.0+ or later. The new Magisk Hide method in Magisk 20.1 should fix all the problems with root detection on Android apps and SafetyNet test.
The previous stable version of Magisk 20 officially supported the Android 10 firmware released by Google and implemented by many other OEM manufacturers like OnePlus with Oxygen OS 10, Samsung with OneUI 2.0, Xiaomi with MIUI 11, and many more. Latest Magisk v20.1 features many useful upgrade from the previous one and also stability improvements. So if you are looking forward to a full proof root hide (root detection) solution for banking apps like Google Pay, Samsung Pay on rooted Android device, then it is highly recommended to try the new Magisk Hide option from Magisk v20.1. Magisk v20.1 should also pass the SafetyNet test of Android 10 ,9.0 Pie, or earlier.
Moreover, according to the the developer’s release notes, we get some highlights on how the new root hiding function works on the latest Magisk Manager 7.4.0. With this version of Magisk 20.1 the developer introduced a stub app. So on supported devices, the latest Magisk Manager will download and customize a heavily obfuscated stub APK and use it as a replacement. The stub app will then download the full app into its private internal data, then dynamically load and run the actual full Magisk Manager. Also note that not all Android 9 Pie devices are supported for this feature.
The developer also quotes:
Magisk Manager will verify compatibility before it uses stubs to hide itself on Android 9.0+. The verification relies on Magisk v20.1+, which means you have to fully upgrade and reboot in order to opt in this feature. If you are already running a hidden Magisk Manager, restore and upgrade Magisk Manager, upgrade Magisk and reboot, then re-hide the app.
Moreover, for incompatible devices with this new hiding-with-stub feature, there is still a solution. With the latest Magisk Manager 7.4.0 or later:
- You can now customize the app name of the repackaged Magisk Manager
- Magisk Manager will generate new keys to sign the repackaged APK to prevent signature detection
So as you can see, this is quite an important update if you want to hide root on your Android devices from the root detecting apps.
You can also test it on Android 10 running flagship phones like the Google Pixel 3, 2, 1, OnePlus 7 or 7 Pro, Essential phone, Samsung Galaxy S10, Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro, etc. Don’t worry, the latest Magisk v20.1 also works on devices running Android 10, 9 Pie, 8.0/8.1 Oreo, and earlier. The latest and previous version of Magisk can root most Android devices all the way down to Android 4.2.
Here is the Magisk 20 installed on OnePlus 7 device: (Thanks to djvita for the image)
Update log for latest Magisk v20.1: (stable)
Magisk v20.1
- [MagiskSU] Support component name agnostic communication (for stub APK)
- [MagiskBoot] Set proper header_size in boot image headers (fix vbmeta error on Samsung devices)
- [MagiskHide] Scan zygote multiple times
- [MagiskInit] Support recovery images without /sbin/recovery binary. This will fix some A/B devices unable to boot to recovery after flashing Magisk
- [General] Move acct to prevent daemon being killed
- [General] Make sure “–remove-modules” will execute after removal
Magisk Manager v7.4.0
- Hide Magisk Manager with stub APKs on Android 9.0+
Allow customizing app name when hiding Magisk Manager
Generate random keys to sign the hidden Magisk Manager to prevent signature detections
Fix fingerprint UI infinite loop
Download Magisk 20.1
Following are the direct download links right from the Github repository of the project.
- Latest (
- Previous (
- Latest Uninstaller (
- Latest Magisk Manager (MagiskManager-v7.4.0.apk download)
Full downloads repository:
Use either the stable or beta Magisk v20.1+ zip and flash it via TWRP recovery to root Android devices running Android 9.0 Pie, 8.0/8.1 Oreo, 7.0/7.1 Nougat, Marshmallow or earlier. You may also need to install Magisk Manager APK after you have booted into the system.
In case you don’t want Magisk or want to completely unroot your Android phone, then flash the Magisk uninstaller zip via TWRP recovery.
How to install Magisk? Detailed tutorial on how to install Magisk.