Download Magisk 20.3 HotFix zip and Magisk Manager 7.5.1 APK stable version

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The developer, named topjohnwu, behind the popular rooting tool called Magisk just released a HotFix for the previous Magisk, recently brought official support for the Android 10 OS update. In previous releases, the developer has been busy tweaking MagiskSU (supersu) for better root support on several Android devices bringing about major changes to the root structure and the method itself. With Magisk 20.2 build came several under the hood optimizations. However, there were some bugs in the previous version. So download and install the latest HotFix for Magisk 20.3 zip and Magisk Manager 7.5.1 APK.

The previous Magisk v20.2 update featured several optimizations like the way MagiskSU handles communication between daemon and application. This means more stability for rooted Android devices. To support the new communication method introduced in Magisk 20.2 build, the developer also released Magisk Manager 7.5.0 APK. However, as we already mentioned in our previous post, the version 20.2 had some problems with some Android devices – especially LG phones. To counter that, Magisk 20.3 features a HotFix. While it is still not tested on all the LG devices, but the latest Magisk 20.3 zip along with and Magisk Manager v7.5.1 APK should work perfectly.

According to the changelog listed below, the MagiskBoot structure gets a fix for – Fix lz4_legacy decompression. The Magisk Manager 7.5.1 APK fixed toggling app components in MagiskHide screen. It also updated translations. Previous Magisk builds implemented new Magisk Hide method for root detection apps and bypassing the advanced SafetyNet check on latest Android versions. With Magisk 20.3 HotFix, you get all the above and more.

Some highlights of Magisk 20+ builds include – official support for Android 10 firmware for several OEM manufacturers like OnePlus’ Oxygen OS 10, Samsung’s OneUI 2.0, Xiaomi’s MIUI 11, and Google’s stock android as well. Also, if you are looking forward to a full proof solution for root hide (or root detection) like banking apps, Google Pay, Samsung Pay on rooted devices, then the latest build is highly recommended. It also works on devices running Android 10, 9 Pie, 8.0/8.1 Oreo, all the way down to Android 4.2.

Update log Magisk v20.3 (stable)

[MagiskBoot] Fix lz4_legacy decompression

Update log Magisk Manager v7.5.1 APK (stable)

  • Fix toggling app components in MagiskHide screen
  • Update translations

Previous update log Magisk v20.2 (stable)

  • [MagiskSU] Properly handle communication between daemon and application (root request prompt)
  • [MagiskInit] Fix logging in kmsg
  • [MagiskBoot] Support patching dtb/dtbo partition formats
  • [General] Support pre-init sepolicy patch in modules
  • [Scripts] Update magisk stock image backup format

Previous update log Magisk Manager v7.5.0 APK (stable)

  • Support new MagiskSU communication method (ContentProvider)
  • Fix several issues with hidden stub APK
  • Support using BiometricPrompt (face unlock)

Download Magisk 20.3

Following are the direct download links right from the Github repository of the project.

Full downloads repository:

Use either the stable or beta Magisk v20.3+ zip and flash it via TWRP recovery to root Android devices running Android 9.0 Pie, 8.0/8.1 Oreo, 7.0/7.1 Nougat, Marshmallow or earlier. You may also need to install Magisk Manager APK after you have booted into the system.

In case you don’t want Magisk or want to completely unroot your Android phone, then flash the Magisk uninstaller zip via TWRP recovery.

How to install Magisk? Detailed tutorial on how to install Magisk.


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