Download latest WhatsApp Dark Mode APK

WhatsApp dark mode APK download

WhatsApp is one of the most popular texting app in the world. So much so that in some countries it has completely replaced the native SMS system. Throughout these year, WhatsApp has transformed the mobile messaging platform and brought rich texts, emojis, voice calls, video calls, and much more. That is until Facebook stepped in and acquired WhatsApp. However, there is still one good thing that came out of it and that is dark mode for WhatsApp. Yes, a full fledged Dark Mode comes to WhatsApp with latest beta version. So download the latest WhatsApp APK here.

The most anticipated feature for WhatsApp, that is, the Dark Theme is finally here. With the latest WhatsApp v2.20.13 beta or later you will see a new Theme option under Settings > Chats. If you are on the latest beta version and you see this option, then you are in luck. You can simply select it and switch to Dark Theme in WhatsApp straightaway. After the switch you will notice a dark WhatsApp wallpaper, dark texts, and a little darker template as well.

Moreover, with the latest update you also get new privacy settings to control who can add you to groups. Added call waiting support for incoming WhatsApp calls while you’re already on another call. Not to mention the stunning fingerprint security for WhatsApp. Plus, the apps seem a little snappier after the update. So apparently the app has finally been optimized for Android.

Download latest WhatsApp APK for Dark Mode/Theme

There are multiple ways you can download the latest WhatsApp APK. Now, the Dark Theme is only available via WhatsApp Beta with v2.20.13+. So you will need the latest WhatsApp beta. You can sign up as a beta tester using the following tutorial officially, or download the APK from below and sideload it to your Android phone.


Updated: New WhatsApp APK v2.20.64 officially brings dark mode to the stable channel!

Note: For Google Drive link, download to PC then transfer the APK file to your Android device and install it. Or it may throw a parsing error. Alternatively, just use the Box mirror.

How to enable Dark Theme for WhatsApp?

Here in this tutorial we will show you how to enable the most anticipated WhatsApp dark mode or theme instantly. However, for that you will first need to become a WhatsApp Beta Tester, then update the app and test the feature yourself. OR simply download the APK from above and install it.

  • Enroll for WhatsApp Beta testing program using this like to get the latest features before the stable channel.
  • An update should appear in the Play Store shortly.
  • Download and install latest WhatsApp Messenger 2.20.13 APK or later.
  • Once the WhatsApp Messenger has been updated, launch it.
  • Go to the Setting menu by tapping on the 3 vertical dots at the top right corner and select the “settings” option.
  • Start a voice or video call to your contact. (With latest update)
  • Go to Chats > Theme > Choose Dark Mode.

That’s it enjoy Dark Mode on your WhatsApp.

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