[Download] Xiaomi K20 and K20 Pro latest MIUI OTA update including Mi 9T and 9T Pro

Xiaomi K20 and K20 Pro or Mi 9T and 9T Pro get MIUI Global Stable ROM

Xiaomi just recently released their latest MIUI 12 global stable firmware update for a number of Redmi, Mi, and Poco devices. The first round of MIUI 12 OTA updates is already complete, and we are now in the second round of rollouts. While some of the Xiaomi phones are still in beta stage, the K20 series (Indian variants) and the Mi 9T series (EU variants) just received latest MIUI global stable ROM.

As for the builds, the latest update for Xiaomi Redmi K20 Indian variant or Mi 9T (EU variant), codenamed DAVINCI, get firmware update with build MIUI V12.0.3.0.QFJINXM. Whereas, Redmi K20 Pro global variant and Mi 9T Pro EU variant, codenamed RAPHAEL, get new firmware build number MIUI V12.0.3.0.QFKINXM. Not much is know about the chnagelog apart from that this is the second consecutive update for stable MIUI 12 based on Android 10. The downloads are listed below.

Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro MIUI
Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro MIUI

Download MIUI Global Stable ROM for Redmi K20, K20 Pro, Mi 9T, and Mi 9T Pro

Here is latest available Redmi K20 or Mi 9T Global Stable ROM with build V12.0.2.0. These are Recovery ROMS, so you may want to install it using MIUI updater app (listed below) or stock recovery method, if you are on the previous stable version. For OTA updates, here is the tutorial.

1. Redmi K20 / Xiaomi Mi 9T (davinci)

Sr. No.MIUI 12 Build Number and RegionRecovery ROMFastboot ROM
China (davinci)
1.1.V12.0.2.0.QFJCNXM (Rolled Back)Download Link–
1.2.V12.0.3.0.QFJCNXMDownload LinkDownload Link
1.3.V12.0.4.0.QFJCNXMDownload LinkDownload Link
Europe (davincieeaglobal)
2.1.V12.0.2.0.QFJEUXMDownload LinkDownload Link
Global (davinciglobal)
3.1.V12.0.1.0.QFJMIXM (Rolled Back)Download Link–
3.2.V12.0.2.0.QFJMIXMDownload LinkDownload Link
3.3.V12.0.3.0.QFJMIXMDownload LinkDownload Link
India (davinciinglobal)
4.1.V12.0.1.0.QFJINXM (Rolled Back)Download Link–
4.2.V12.0.2.0.QFJINXMDownload LinkDownload Link
4.3.V12.0.3.0.QFJINXMDownload LinkDownload Link
Russia (davinciruglobal)
5.1.V12.0.1.0.QFJRUXMDownload LinkDownload Link

2. Redmi K20 Pro / Xiaomi Mi 9T Pro (raphael)

Sr. No.Build Number, Region, and StatusRecovery ROMFastboot ROM
China (raphael)
1.1.V12.0.1.0.QFKCNXM (Rolled Back)Download Link–
1.2.V12.0.2.0.QFKCNXMDownload LinkDownload Link
1.3.V12.0.3.0.QFKCNXMDownload LinkDownload Link
Europe (raphaeleeaglobal)
2.1.V12.0.1.0.QFKEUXMDownload LinkDownload Link
2.2.V12.0.2.0.QFKEUXMDownload LinkDownload Link
Global (raphaelglobal)
3.1.V12.0.1.0.QFKMIXMDownload LinkDownload Link
3.2.V12.0.2.0.QFKMIXMDownload LinkDownload Link
India (raphaelinglobal)
4.1.V12.0.1.0.QFKINXM (Rolled Back)Download Link–
4.2.V12.0.2.0.QFKINXMDownload LinkDownload Link
4.3.V12.0.3.0.QFKINXMDownload Link–
Russia (raphaelruglobal)
5.1.V12.0.1.0.QFKRUXMDownload LinkDownload Link

How to install MIUI 12 global stable ROM onto Xiaomi devices?

  • Download the MIUI 12 OTA update or Recovery zip file from above.
  • Transfer the update zip to phone storage in the root directory. Meaning, outside every folder. If that doesn’t work, place the file in the folder ‘download_rom’.
  • Launch the updater app on your Xioami phone. Or go to settings > about phone > system updates.
  • Click on three dots on the top right corner and choose “Choose Update package”
  • If “Choose Update package” option desn’t show up, tap on the MIUI icon several times and check again.
  • Select the MIUI 12 ROM package from phone storage.
  • Your phone should reboot and update process will begin.
  • Once done, reboot to system.

Note: Don’t stop the update once started. If stopped, you will need to do the operation again right from downloading the firmware file again. This will not erase any data in your phone.

You may also checkout all the MIUI 12 features and the list of Xiaomi devices receiving the update here. We also have the MIUI 12 wallpapers available for download.

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